Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (2024)

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Homemade candy cane vodka, also known as peppermint vodka, is delicious and extremely easy item to make. The level of peppermint added is adjustable to your desired taste. Add a splash or two to hot coco, coffee, or create yummy peppermint vodka drinks! This homemade recipe is a world better than anything purchased.

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (1)

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The holiday season is approaching and there’s absolutely nothing better than a homemade candy cane vodka recipe. This infused beverage is perfect for gift giving, serving at gatherings or reserved for quite evenings wrapping gifts by the fire.

Although, there is one downfall to making this, purchasing enough candy canes to continually have this on supply throughout the year.

Homemade alcoholic beverages have been made for centuries. It’s not a new process, but a skill many do not own.

With that said, here are a few adult beverages which takes only minutes to make. Not to mention, they also make excellent gifts!

  1. Homemade Irish Cream Liquor
  2. Shrubs – Spiced Apple, Cranberry, Pineapple Ginger, Peach
  3. Adult Cordials

Tips for Infusing Vodka

The flavorgathered from homemade infused vodkasis true. Meaning, there’s no hint of flavor but instead a solid, delicious one.

Using seasonal fruit and herbsare ideal, consisting of homegrown, from the market, or foraged for. Fruits such as red huckleberry, raspberries, elderberry, pomegranate and stone fruit are excellent items to infuse.

However, when infusing alcohol with candy you will want to make sure to select hard candies. Items such as candy cane, jolly ranchers or atomic fireballs are good choices.

For a more delightful twist add spices in combination to fruit or candy infusions. Vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, or all spice combine well with herbs and candy.Or infuse vodka with herbs like mint and bee balm.

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (2)

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe – Ingredients

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe – Equipment

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (3)

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe – Instructions

  1. Begin by unwrapping the candy canes and break into thirds.
  2. Next, evenly distribute the candy canes into mason jars.
  3. Pour the vodka over the candy canes leaving a 1/2-inch headspace.
  4. The final step is to add the lids and rings to the jars.
  5. Allow the vodka and candy canes to steep for a few hours. During this time gently shaking the jars to help the candy dissolve.
  6. Once the candy has fully dissolved, transform the infused vodka into swing top bottles using a bottle funnel.
  7. Store bottles in a cool, dark and dry location, or in the freezer for a chilled beverage.


Gift this beverage in the swing top bottles or mason jars. Jar tags provide a special touch when gifting homemade items.

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (4)

Peppermint Vodka Drinks

There a plethora of ways to consume peppermint vodka. However, a favorite in our home is adding it to an easy homemade hot coco mix or coffee. But a tiny splash in my homemade Irish cream liquor recipe is also fabulous!

Other delicious way to consume this adult concoction are as follows:

  • Holiday Peppermint Martini
  • Peppermint White Russian
  • Eggnog with homemade peppermint vodka
Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix
To learn more about preserving food through canning, fermenting, curing, and storing fresh, make sure to grab a copy of my book,The Farm Girl’s Guide to Preserving the Harvest.

Printable Recipe Card – Homemade Peppermint Vodka

Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (5)

Homemade candy cane vodka, peppermint vodka, is delicious and easy item to make. Add a splash to hot coco, coffee, or create yummy peppermint vodka drinks!


  • 16 Organic Peppermint Candy Canes
  • 1 750 ml Tito's Handmade Vodka, 80 proof or higher


  1. Unwrap the candy canes and break into thirds.
  2. Evenly distribute the candy canes into mason jars.
  3. Pour the vodka over the candy canes leaving a 1/2-inch headspace.
  4. Add lids and rings to the jars. Allow the vodka and candy canes a few hours to steep, gently shaking the jars to help spread the sugar.
  5. Once the candy has fully dissolved, transform the infused vodka into swing top bottles using a bottle funnel.
  6. Store bottles in a cool, dark and dry location, or in the freezer for a chilled beverage.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size:

1 grams
Amount Per Serving:Unsaturated Fat: 0g

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Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (6)
Homemade Candy Cane Vodka Recipe (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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