How can you make a small bathroom feel larger? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 17, 2024

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Use light colors


Add mirrors and glass


Optimize the lighting


Maximize the storage


Simplify the layout


Add some plants and art


Here’s what else to consider

A small bathroom can be a challenge to design and decorate, especially if you want to create a feeling of spaciousness and comfort. However, there are some clever tricks and tips that can help you make the most of your limited space and enhance the visual appeal of your bathroom. In this article, we will share six ways to make a small bathroom feel larger, from choosing the right colors and lighting to optimizing the storage and layout.

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1 Use light colors

One of the easiest ways to make a small bathroom feel larger is to use light colors for the walls, floor, ceiling, and fixtures. Light colors reflect more light and create a sense of openness and airiness, while dark colors absorb light and make the space feel cramped and gloomy. You can opt for shades of white, beige, gray, or pastel for a neutral and soothing palette, or add some pops of color with accessories or accents for some contrast and personality.

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  • Para ampliar a sensação de espaço em um banheiro pequeno, sempre utilizamos algumas estratégias de design inteligentes, como por exemplo: escolher cores claras e iluminação adequada para manter o ambiente luminoso. Uma dica legal é utilizar espelhos grandes e portas de correr, que podem criar a ilusão de mais espaço.



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  • Yashar Abbasnejad Production Manager at YAKS

    🎨In the canvas of a small bathroom, light colors are the delicate strokes of a master painter, imbuing the space with an ethereal luminosity.🖌Soft hues like pale blues, gentle greens, and creamy whites expand the visual horizon, evoking a sense of airiness and openness. Strategic placement of mirrors amplifies the effect, reflecting and bouncing light throughout the room.👨🏼🎨Additionally, translucent materials for shower curtains and accessories allow light to pass through, further enhancing the illusion of spaciousness.


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  • 1. Use very light colours2. Use reflective materials3. More mirrors and clear glass4. Go for a minimal design5. Use as muh hidden storage as possible.


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  • - Light colors for walls, floors, ceilings, and fixtures enhance the perception of space by reflecting light, creating an open and airy feel.- Strategic lighting placement, such as LED strips under cabinets or mirrors, adds depth and expands the visual space.- Choosing materials with reflective properties, like glossy tiles or shiny countertops, maximizes light reflection, further enhancing the sense of spaciousness.- This approach not only makes the bathroom feel larger but also introduces an element of sophistication, showing that small spaces can be both stylish and functional.


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  • Malihe Amini Architecture drafter

    If possible, enlarge the window in length and height so that natural light enters the space, and add a very narrow plant line next to it, and use a tall mirror, ceramics or stone on the opposite side or next to it. Use large slabs and minimize the lines of the tiles as much as possible, if there is a false ceiling, raise it as high as possible.

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2 Add mirrors and glass

Another way to create an illusion of more space in a small bathroom is to add mirrors and glass elements. Mirrors can reflect light and make the room look brighter and bigger, as well as add some style and elegance. You can choose a large mirror that covers the entire wall above the sink or vanity, or use multiple smaller mirrors in different shapes and frames. Glass can also help to visually expand the space by allowing more light to pass through and reducing the visual clutter. You can use glass for the shower door, the shelves, the cabinet doors, or the windows.

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  • Yashar Abbasnejad Production Manager at YAKS

    ✨In the tapestry of a compact bathroom, mirrors and glass are the shimmering threads that weave an illusion of boundless space.🪞Mirrors, strategically placed to reflect light and imagery, multiply the room's dimensions, creating a captivating depth.🪟Glass, transparent and weightless, acts as a portal, allowing sight to wander beyond physical barriers.🏞By integrating mirrors and glass into the design, the confining walls dissolve into expanses of possibility, amplifying the sense of openness and fluidity.


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  • In addition to using light colors, incorporating mirrors and glass can greatly enhance the perceived spaciousness of a small bathroom. Installing a large mirror or mirrored cabinets can visually expand the area by reflecting light and creating the illusion of depth. Likewise, opting for glass shower doors instead of opaque curtains can maintain an uninterrupted line of sight, making the room feel more expansive. These elements not only maximize natural and artificial light but also add a touch of elegance while maximizing the perceived size of the space.


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  • Roula Krikellis Professional Media Representative

    We had a small bathroom with no window but a skylight . We took ceiling out and finished it just under roof tiles after we removed the box around the skylight. We put in wall to wall ceiling to floor mirrors with a strip in the middle of a small decorative glass tiles. We used white subway tiles for walls and Spanish timber look tiles for floor. A frameless step in shower and a white sink vanity that we fitted 20 cms from off wall . The cabinet guys built the vanity /cabinet with depth. The stone mason finished the top and side with stone used on kitchen bench. Above we added a mirrored 4 door shaving cabinet same width as vanity All this brought light in from the skylight which bounced off mirrors and full gloss wall tiles. Wow factor!


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  • ade caparas Manilah Digital Artist, book publisher, writer poetised Biography

    Build thin cosmetics, medical cabinets against the wall instead of tiles with sliding mirrors doors. Leave about 16”open top shelf to put plants and decor. Create an old tree trunk like to inlay the cabinet in off center and a tiny cushion bench as the roots of the cabinet. This will create an outdoor ambiance with greenish look!


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  • Rouline Honiball

    Use natural and light colours, do not overly exert dominant features, keep the tiles plain with minimal patterns and textures. Add reflection through mirror and glass. You can even style with white or beige linen


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3 Optimize the lighting

Lighting is a key factor in making a small bathroom feel larger, as it can affect the mood, the ambiance, and the perception of the space. You want to make sure that your bathroom has enough natural and artificial light sources to illuminate every corner and create a bright and inviting atmosphere. You can use skylights, windows, or light tubes to bring in more natural light, or install recessed lights, wall sconces, or pendant lights to add some warmth and charm. You can also use dimmers or sensors to adjust the intensity and color of the light according to your needs and preferences.

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  • Jafar Bedair Senior Architect / Project Coordinator / BOQ Calculator / Administrative Manager / Site Supervisor

    Please make your bathroom window LARGE! This does not mean you will sacrifice privacy; on the contrary... a large window with non-clear glass and overlooking an inner ventilation shaft of respectable size, or overlooking a side of the house not facing the same of that of the prime facade, can work wonders on opening up the area in terms of feeling it. Now, marry this idea to that of using light calm colors, and you just made a small space "feel" larger.


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  • Svetlana Evsevleeva Interior designer / 3D Visualiser / SketchUp / V-Ray

    Key tips to optimize the lighting:1. Layered Lighting. -Ambient Lighting - the primary source of light.- Task Lighting - focused lights (sconces or vanity lights, placed near the mirror to facilitate activities).- Accent Lighting like a small LED strip under a cabinet or along a niche can add depth and interest.2. Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces: Mirrors amplify light, making the bathroom appear larger and brighter. Glossy tiles and chrome fixtures also help reflect light.3. Choose the Right Bulbs. Look for bulbs with a high Color Rendering Index (CRI). Bulbs with a color temperature between 5000K and 6500K are generally best.4. Position lights to avoid casting shadows: placing lights on either side of the mirror rather than above it

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  • Optimizing the lighting in a small bathroom is crucial for creating a sense of openness. Incorporate a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to eliminate shadows and brighten the space evenly. Utilize overhead fixtures with dimmer switches to adjust brightness levels according to different needs, such as grooming or relaxing baths. Supplement with task lighting near mirrors for clarity during daily routines. Additionally, consider adding subtle accent lighting, such as LED strips or wall sconces, to highlight architectural features and add depth to the room. By carefully balancing these lighting elements, you can enhance the perceived size of the bathroom while creating a comfortable and functional environment.

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  • - Lighting impacts a small bathroom’s ambiance and perceived size.- Use a mix of natural light (skylights, windows) and artificial light (recessed lights, wall sconces) for full coverage.- Include dimmers or sensors to adjust light intensity and color, matching different times of day and moods.- Thoughtful lighting design enhances functionality, mood, and makes the bathroom feel more spacious.

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  • Michal Seidenman

    Optimizing lighting in a small bathroom can create the illusion of more space. Incorporating both natural and artificial light sources is key. Maximize natural light by keeping windows unobstructed. Use sheer curtains or frosted glass for privacy without blocking light. Supplement with overhead lighting, such as recessed fixtures, to evenly illuminate the space. Add wall sconces or LED strips around mirrors to minimize shadows and enhance brightness. Consider adjustable lighting options to control intensity and create ambiance. Light-colored walls and reflective surfaces also help distribute light effectively, making the bathroom feel larger and more inviting.

4 Maximize the storage

Storage is essential in a small bathroom, as it can help you keep your essentials organized and accessible, as well as reduce the visual clutter and mess. You want to make use of every inch of available space and find creative and functional solutions to store your toiletries, towels, and other items. You can use wall-mounted cabinets, shelves, hooks, or baskets to save floor space and add some vertical interest. You can also use under-sink drawers, over-the-toilet racks, or behind-the-door organizers to utilize the hidden or unused space. You can also use baskets, jars, or trays to group your items and make them look more neat and tidy.

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  • Maximizing storage is essential in a small bathroom to keep clutter at bay and maintain a sense of spaciousness. Consider utilizing vertical space with tall cabinets or shelving units to store towels, toiletries, and other essentials. Install recessed or floating shelves above the toilet or sink area to keep items within reach without taking up valuable floor space. Additionally, opt for multi-functional furniture pieces such as vanity cabinets with built-in drawers or baskets to maximize storage capacity while minimizing visual clutter. By strategically organizing and utilizing every available inch of space, you can create a more organized and expansive feel in your small bathroom.

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  • - Maximize storage in small bathrooms to organize essentials and minimize clutter.- Utilize vertical space with wall-mounted cabinets, shelves, and hooks to save floor space.- Employ under-sink drawers, over-the-toilet racks, and behind-the-door organizers for hidden storage.- Group items in baskets, jars, or trays for a tidy and cohesive look.- Strategic storage solutions enhance both functionality and aesthetics in small bathroom spaces.

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5 Simplify the layout

The layout of your small bathroom can also affect how spacious and comfortable it feels. You want to avoid overcrowding the space with too many fixtures or furniture pieces, and instead opt for a simple and streamlined layout that allows for easy movement and flow. You can choose a corner sink, a wall-hung toilet, or a pedestal sink to free up some floor space and make the room look more open. You can also choose a shower instead of a tub, or a curved shower curtain rod instead of a straight one, to create more room and avoid blocking the view.

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  • The most important thing to make small spaces feel larger is the layout. Use furniture pieces that truly fit. Additionally you can over use floor to ceiling mirrors that way visually it will look larger as well.


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  • Yashar Abbasnejad Production Manager at YAKS

    🔑Key factors include maximizing available space by opting for compact fixtures and fittings, such as corner sinks or wall-mounted toilets.🎨Utilizing neutral colors and reflective surfaces can enhance the perception of spaciousness. 🪞Specialized techniques include installing large mirrors to create an illusion of depth and incorporating ample lighting to brighten the space.🌅Additionally, optimizing storage solutions to minimize clutter and maintaining clean lines further contribute to a sense of openness.


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  • Christine Carney Blackberry Farm Design

    Design a luxurious walk-in shower rather than using a bathtub, and use glass panels to contain water rather than solid materials.


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  • Some little known ways to make a bathroom feel bigger is:1. Have a floating vanity - lifting it off the ground creates the illusion of more space in the room.2. Use the same tiles on all the walls, no feature tiles - removes any hard lines that create barriers.3. If you have a bathroom that has a low ceiling - make sure you tile your walls vertically, it lengthens the space 4. If you don’t have enough width in your bathroom - tile your walls horizontally, it widens your space.5. Recess your vanity mirrors with storage in the wall - so that nothing is sticking into the space.These are just some lesser known tips and tricks!


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  • Simplifying the layout of a small bathroom is key to maximizing both functionality and the perception of space. Opt for a minimalist approach by selecting streamlined fixtures and accessories that serve multiple purposes. Consider installing a pedestal sink instead of a bulky vanity to open up floor space and create a more airy atmosphere. Arrange fixtures in a way that promotes easy movement and accessibility, ensuring that the layout feels open and uncluttered. By keeping the design clean and uncomplicated, you can create a visually spacious environment that feels welcoming and efficient.

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6 Add some plants and art

Finally, you can make a small bathroom feel larger by adding some plants and art to the space. Plants can bring some life and freshness to the room, as well as purify the air and add some color and texture. You can choose low-maintenance plants that can thrive in humid and low-light conditions, such as ferns, orchids, or succulents, and place them on the windowsill, the shelf, or the wall. Art can also add some personality and flair to the room, as well as create a focal point and distract from the size limitations. You can choose a painting, a print, or a photograph that matches your style and theme, and hang it on the wall or lean it on the ledge.

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  • Yashar Abbasnejad Production Manager at YAKS

    🌿Transforming a small bathroom into a spacious oasis is akin to planting a lush garden within a confined courtyard. Incorporating greenery and art strategically can visually expand the space, creating a sense of openness and tranquility.🪴Opt for tall, slender plants to draw the eye upward, while mirrors reflect light and amplify the illusion of depth.🖼Artwork featuring expansive landscapes or abstract designs can further enhance the feeling of spaciousness.🎋By harmonizing nature and creativity, you cultivate a sanctuary that transcends physical boundaries, inviting serenity into the compact confines of the bathroom.


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  • Incorporating plants and art into a small bathroom can add character and warmth while enhancing the perception of space. Selecting small, low-maintenance plants like succulents or air plants can introduce a touch of nature without overwhelming the limited space. Additionally, strategically placing artwork on the walls can draw the eye upward, creating the illusion of height and expansiveness. Choose pieces that complement the overall aesthetic of the bathroom while adding visual interest and personality. By integrating these elements, you can elevate the ambiance of the space and make it feel more inviting and spacious.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Prof. Babatunde Jaiyeoba Architect || Professor || Building Design Expert || Construction Project Manager || Built Environment Consultant || Housing Equity Enthusiast

    In addition to the colours being lighter, the wall and floor finishes can either be extremely small units or simulate small units or extremely large units. Both extremes create the impression of large spaces in 3 dimensions especially when the joints are not too detailed to affect perception of perimeter edges.Also, the horizontality and verticality factor in the laying of wall finish can alter the perception of different dimensions of a space- length, breadth and height. This requires a delicate balance and should be studies with 3D images and simulations.In addition, the proportion of the floor to ceiling height of a space to the length and breadth of the space can be critical to perceiving a space as being too large or too small.


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  • Shaineela Ahmed Interior Architect

    Elevate the space with a visually striking artwork on a designated as focal point, complemented by a functional recessed niche for organised storage.


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  • Yashar Abbasnejad Production Manager at YAKS

    💢In a recent kitchen cabinet project, I encountered a similar challenge when designing for a compact kitchenette. To make the space feel more expansive, I employed several design techniques.🅰️First, I opted for sleek, minimalist cabinet designs with integrated storage solutions to maximize floor space.🅱️Next, I chose light-colored materials and finishes to reflect more light and create a sense of airiness. Additionally, I strategically placed mirrors to visually expand the room and enhance natural light diffusion.🆎Finally, I incorporated multipurpose elements, such as foldable countertops and hidden storage compartments, to optimize functionality without cluttering the limited space.


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  • Shikha Chugh Architect + Business Developer

    Select compact and space-saving fixtures such as a corner sink, pedestal sink, or wall-hung toilet. These fixtures take up less visual space and help maximize floor area, making the bathroom feel more open and uncluttered.


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  • Viraj Barfiwala Assistant Project Manager | Sr. Project Coordinator | Licensed Architect | Designer

    In my opinion the lighting, colour of stone/tile or similar finishes installed in the bathroom also play a large role in making the small bathroom appear larger, also I’d concur with the opinion of placement and type of plumbing fixtures, mirror/s have a role to help a small bathroom appear larger.


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How can you make a small bathroom feel larger? (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.