WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

In Golf Players

May 7, 2024

The New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers renew their rivalry tonight in the second round of the 2024 NBA Playoffs and The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz is launching the debut of WFAT set to hit airwaves for the first time for a live playoff watchalong. Our friends at @AllTheSmokeProductions are joining us from our Miami studios.

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e what are you telling me you think I’m out of my mind about you said something about Barkley being the greatest broadcaster outside of Howard coell Jesus what’s the matter with you who would you put there I mean you’re talking you’re talking about Michel oh you were you were offended about the park part yeah I I thought you how coell I was like what you putting coell over Barkley well I mean Barkley’s great he’s not doing games coell did something entirely different that’s all oh no but wait a minute you’re describing a whole bunch of different people I’m talking about uh the reason I went uh coell just because there were only three networks in America and the way that he stood out as a singular broadcaster and there were no others for the period of time that he was in that’s the stature I’m giving coell this is like the Celtics winning the championship in a league with eight teams Barkley’s competing against Netflix he’s competing against streaming he’s competing against people playing on their phones Andel competing is sitting here arguing that Jim Nance put it on the poll uh Juju Juju has just landed and he is headed over here and he will put on the poll at lebatard show um who’s the better broadcaster Jim Nance or Charles Barkley it’s an odd thing to get bogged down on uh moments before the play the biggest game in 20 years it’s weird that you would start there with me can’t believe you said it uh St uh what would your list look like um because well I view him differently he’s like he’s a studio host Howard coell was calling the biggest of games he was calling fights they’re broadcasters they’re doing broadcasting like I’m not doing the calling of games I’m just saying that people who are in the sports media at microphones doing sports broadcasting stug just to be clear do you say that Michael Jordan does completely different things from Kareem Abdul Jabar do you just say he’s the greatest of all time he’s the greatest player of all time that’s fair I’m upset Dan didn’t say me that’s um okay I I understand Stant is uh programming us today uh he told me that he was going to wear a tie and a shirt and a jacket and I don’t know whether he forgot or well I have a couple of ties uh the shirts and jackets Dan those were I mean they were a couple of sizes ago they don’t fit anymore you haven’t when’re not making xl’s like they used when the last when is the last time you put on a jacket of any kind I don’t remember you don’t now stug I do have a serious question for you had you taken the WFAN job would you have had to have wearen a short a short a shirt and tie it’s your second show I understand it I’m with you um no is is the answer no I was not going to wear a shirt and a tie no program directors don’t wear shirts and ties GMS do program directors do not they don’t really I I think so I don’t know what you’re doing there I would think that professional Executives wear a shirt in a tie this is one of the few times where I’m like I believe him program director you have to make yourself feel like you’re part of the Gang part of the group you know you wear shirt and tie you’re presiding over them yes he’s right about that thank you like right when he puts on the tie right now a nice little like pink salmon tie I feel a little weird about it I feel like I can’t say the things I used to like behind the scenes Chris Cody who’s going to be here today we have over the next uh couple of days here we’re going to be be up I do not look forward to how tired everyone is going to be tomorrow since we’re already into the spicy Margaritas you’re talking about Greg Cody uh Greg Cody will be here tomorrow but who is it that we have today where where who’s missing right now Lucy is supposed to be here Juju Gotti will be here we got the all the smoke crew will be here this is very exciting Dan I’m very happy to be here when the Panthers are playing at home but he asked who’s not here Mike Ryan is not here I did not ask who was not here I asked who was here the way Tony heard it and you skipped right past that this you do this all the time which is why you’re not in the top five broadcasters of all time you don’t listen you just wait for someone to stop talking he just said sarcastic say what I have to say you’re right I know he just said sarcastically that he’s not happy to be working tonight because he’d like to be at the Panthers Bruins game just want to point out the second time today stat has incorrect someone thank you go ahead and hit the show open would you [Music] we’ve got a bit of news to react to here before uh Stephen Jackson and uh Matt Barnes and their crew were asking me about what Pat Riley said at his closeout press conference I will say that the Heat and Pat Riley have agreed once a year you go out in front of people and you go ahead and talk because you are someone who will say whatever it is that you want and we find that a bit dangerous and we got to be careful with how often you’re getting out there he does not do very much of this and when he does stat when he does the State of the Union stuff uh he says more interesting things than spoler does so before we get to what Pat Riley had to say can you just play for us uh what Jimmy Butler had to say we don’t know exactly when this was uh his people said that it wasn’t the night that it was released but it was recently he’s got a drink in his hand and you can hear uh not just in the words you can hear in the shakiness of his voice that he’s had a few so let’s listen to him uh talking [ __ ] you got it 1 two three action if I was playing Boston it be at home New York damn sure would be home mean to me I love tar but I don’t want T I love tar I love you baby I want to beat you to a pul you want me I don’t want you it’s like a one side of relationship you in love with me and I love you but I’m not in love with you you know what I’m saying St gots did you see what Pat Riley’s response was to this I did not no all right let’s uh let’s go ahead and play that for stugots the program director who doesn’t pay any attention to the news y you know for him to say that you know I thought is that Jimmy trolling or is that Jimmy serious you know if you’re not on the court playing against Boston or on the court plane against New York Knicks you should keep your mouth shut my man how long ago did he learn what trolling means trolling he he drilled though the shut uh let’s listen to how he nailed the Dismount like a gymnast coming off of the pommel horse and Landing uh squarely to get the 10 score uh shut keep your mouth shut you know for him to say that you know I thought is that Jimmy trolling or is that Jimmy serus you know if you’re not on the court playing against Boston or on the court playing against a New York Knicks you should keep your mouth shut there’s nothing surprising that his attitude would be that there’s nothing surprising that he probably doesn’t like very much that Jimmy Butler’s paid $600,000 a game uh and very often misses that game and gets that check anyway there’s also nothing surprising about Jimmy Butler saying those things when he’s not playing that is correct Jimmy Butler’s agent has said that they’re kindred spirits that they’re cut from the same Clause that they were high they will have honest conversations the rest of the way he did say Pat Riley did say that he was not prepared to give Jimmy Butler the extension that’s reported that he wanted and he also said that he’s not going to trade Jimmy Butler I will tell you though that I’ve heard Pat Riley say he’s not going to trade people before going to a make A- wish dinner and then he traded nine Heat players during that Charity Dinner dude that’s one of the most famous Pat Riley stories Glenn rice comes up to him and says hey man I’m hearing a lot of rumors you know my wife’s from Miami we love it here and Pat Riley says hey look at me look at me in the eyes I’m not trading you and the next day traded him for Alonzo Morning I love that what do you make of all of this I mean as someone uh people are waiting for this to blow up so this is what it reminds me of Dan it reminds me of another famous Pat Riley exit interview which was if you remember in 2014 you want to go get trending remember he learned the word trending that that summer and he said you want to go you want to get trending and he talked to LeBron and then LeBron ended up leaving so this summer it’s trolling that he’s learned we’ll see how Jimmy rea what are your thoughts on the idea that he would say don’t don’t do that when you’re not playing when you’re not playing like I don’t there’s nothing unfair about that like you didn’t play in the series you to say that your teammates couldn’t handle something and would get beat up but if you had been there uh Boston would have been sent home I understand why he’s objecting to that being commentary after they’ve been knocked out in five games yeah so there’s a lot to there right on the surface level you’re just saying he’s saying hey if you were not on the floor you shouldn’t be doing any talking and you could leave it at that some would say the tone is a little a little finger Waggy father fatherly right so grandfatherly you may not love that tone right number one number two also there’s a subtext that could be read into it that could be read into it of oh so Jimmy could have been out there but he wasn’t like right like it’s a little I’m not saying that’s what Pat was insu ating I’m saying there’s a sub subtext that could be read that hey if you weren’t out there meaning you had a chance to be out there and you weren’t that Dismount speaks volumes I think you could have ended that he could have ended that sentence softer shut your mouth that’s he didn’t love that he didn’t say shut your mouth keep your mouth shut is what he said is that those are not the same thing shut your mouth and keep your mouth shut are not the same thing no means right it’s different is it different a little softer what do you mean hold on a second put it on the poll is is keep your mouth shut a little softer than shut your mouth shut your mouth it’s like shut your mouth keep your mouth shut don’t open it that’s like what your parents say when they’re in like a crowded place where they really can’t scold you the way they want to scold you instead of saying like shut your mouth it may look bad if they say keep your mouth shut you’re like o keep quiet would have been softer gritted gritted teeth keep your mouth shut mhm keep quiet is softer I agree with you keep quiet would have been different it would have been softer um but I if I’m a grown man and we’ll ask Matt Barns and Stephen Jackson this when they get here uh JR Smith was supposed to be here but I don’t know what happened we got Jeremy instead uh just like J.R Smith exactly the same thing uh I don’t know what happened with J.R Smith we will ask them but proud men don’t really like like keep your P adults don’t really like keep your mouth shut as a uh you know finger wagging admonishment in in public uh I can understand uh how it is that something like that would land less than delicately I would say to you however that it would be exactly the same way that Pat Riley would speak to him in person that is not something that he is saying publicly that he would not say privately and maybe has already said priv he would take the pause and everything before the shut I think he would be saying that that is not the way that he wants uh anyone representing the team after losing in five games in the first round but I obviously like it I like it not just for Content I like it because it’s confident and I would say uh that keep your mouth shut is more flammable than what it is that Jimmy Butler did Jimmy what Jimmy Butler did also spread and people are used to Jimmy Butler talking like Jimmy Butler but now you’ve added fire to something that can be sensitive because the leverage in this is interesting I mean the idea that it would leak immediately after they get beat by Boston that Jimmy wants an extension because his agent has to get him paid at 37 years old and he has to be aggressive about saying look at what happened when Jimmy didn’t play and look at what happened against the Boston Celtics when he did play give us our money maximum leverage maximum leverage and that’s what an agent’s supposed to do it’s not about you know your fiscal responsibility in the future it’s about hey this is a great opportunity for me to point out yet again how important my client is to your organization now the problem is if you’re the Miami Heat fiscal responsibility is something they need to think about because the last thing you want to do is be locked into a team that has shown for the last couple of years at least to be a middling regular season team we could talk about that run last year all we want but the reality is nobody set out on October 15th or whatever to be the seven or eight seat this team had daines of being homecourt Advantage perhaps even better than that based on what they did in the playoffs so I think it’s one of those really weird tight ropes that the Heat have to walk because obviously they need Jimmy he’s he’s incredibly important but do I want to commit two years from now to something that already is showing signs of a little bit of wear and tear probably not uh Jeremy what are your thoughts here as someone who cares uh unreasonably about the Miami oh it’s not unreasonable he gets paid by them actually today um the very calculated Pat Riley uh named every member of the media paid by the Heat and excluded me will Mano and Kelly sacko from that combination because we don’t get paid by the heat what are we doing here Dan because it’s wfat we’re doing a weird heat pregame show we’re talking about Riley the Nicks are playing a big think anti Nick agenda as usual let’s take some calls Jeremy you had your chance to give me what it is you thought about it instead you again decided to defensively defend yourself against the accusations bought and paid for uh what would you like to do to set up that we are wfat and you are the program director and you are the king of All Things New York media Chris hit [Music] it when your team is losing and you want to fight w f a will make you feel all [Applause] right when your dreams of Glory have come to an end WF a be a greatest friend [Music] WF from C to shining sea our callers are doing our jobs for free at wfat it’s how you doing D unnecessarily long do we have more imaging do we have any more things more IM want please don’t want more I wasn’t sure whether that was a kazoo or a Sach at first um it is very stugazi in sort of uh I love the music trailing into the segment that kind of music that’s what wfat is all about man I’m telling [Music] you Lucy um more turn off Legends I I have seen you once or twice in the last three weeks you have been flittering about I don’t have any earthly idea I was at the with Lucy I didn’t see her yeah when you’re going to be here or what it is that uh so what what are you bringing to the show today can we Tony can you go get her some of my popcorn to see if she still I’m on AO I’ve got some bad news from my my commandante here next to me what happened am mean doesn’t like the popcorn mid exactly I mean what what w you were a little too excited there Lucy you were a little too excited WF that’s how you do it Lucy I’m actually watching the Met Galla right now so if you guys need any updates on how the outfits are looking please Lanning looks amazing at first I wasn’t sure but the texture of this dress is insane all right but what I would ask you to do Lucy is cooperate with videos so that you can also show it to the audience because we have Ben Simmons arriving at the Met Gala as well we don’t have those rights what do you think we’re doing at the name of the show is cheap seats cheap I know but we’ve got pictures of people and you’ve got Ben Simmons look at what he shows up to this Ben Simmons is on time here he is wearing he the theme perfectly that’s the point of the me Gala is the theme a Tony I don’t really want this what you can have it back what’s the theme is it flavor theme is is Sleeping Beauty and like time passing what yes and so that’s the whole point of the me Gala I don’t want to see you show up in a beautiful dress I want to see you show up in an amazing dress that fits the theme you should get some pictures and help us with whatever Met Gala correspondence there is to be had during the game Chris Cody is going to be running into the other room W watching Panthers Bruins I would assume to give us updates there and we’re about ready right I’m I’m being told in my headset here as the air traffic controller that we’re about uh ready to find a stack and Matt Barnes Wherever it is that they are right uh so you tell me Chris Cody uh they’re nearby so that we can have them make their grand entrance as part of the first time we’ll be working together uh in public I also heard that they have arrived now we will just wait until we kind of see them in in when they’re making their ENT oh I see doors now in our side sh they might be this is very exciting this is very exciting this is like old school like wrestling they’re coming like through the the bowels of this Arena look at this all right yes look at this yes here they come they are coming here and and uh we will have them here shortly this is not the most glamorous of settings they have walking through a parking garage Dan I need a Pacer to hate back in the old days it was easy like I had Reggie Miller I had Dale Davis I had Rick Smiths you know I had guys I don’t know who to hate on this team I mean halberton nimor TJ McConnell is pretty EAS I mean dude this is a scary spot for you because you guys are big favorites expectations I was listening to podcast coming in and everyone’s got this being a quick series for the Knicks I know Dangerous Game Y do we not have anyone to meet these guys out there are they lost do they not know where they’re going they got a golf cart they do not have a golf cart these are the cheap seats we don’t have a golf cart I believe Matt Barnes is presently trying to steal a golf cart I believe he’s in the act of committing a crime right [Music] now nothing like a den again and by the way wfat is presented by- 1800 Flowers save up to 40% off Mother’s Day best sellers at D thank you Chris if you do not buy yes thank you if you do not buy 1 1800 flowers for your mother or your wife or a loved one I will come to your home and I will put a lot of diuretics in all the foods all around your house WF you will not know which foods they are can someone help them what are we why why are they can someone give Matt and Stephen some is I think that’s a storage closet it is a storage closet the same thing happened my first week here I could not find the studio at all and I ended up like walking up and down multiple levels of the garage what happened to our smoke machine I was told that we put all of the budget into a smoke machine that they were going to walk through they smoked it it’s right next to you they’re nowhere near where we are though I got you covered they’re they are they in the wrong place that’s not the right floor by the way I can tell by the parking spots that that car they’re walking up a ramp guys down the ramp this is the wrong part of the building but we will have that car’s got to be confused like is that Matt Barnes and Stephen is that stack oh my God so great dude that person must be so confused he’s going to dinner right now like you won’t believe who I saw like yeah buddy okay so they’ll be here eventually but they’re not anywhere near Tony go get get out of the way someone help them get out of the way of the yellow Jeep uh there are problems there uh stot what else have you done for us as part of the programming of wfat we have a phone number Dan people can call and leave voicemails okay really oh yes we do 30551 0281 we have a phone number how about that I mean I got stuff done Dana oh look at what Lucy’s doing I’m so hungry and I didn’t get any food out there so I’m there out there I have I know I’m really excited to try one Jesus you want one I’ll get you I’ll get you one I’m gonna have two for me though uh see if you can help uh stack and Matt Barnes too please uh they’re their all their loved ones are here and they’re with us and we are now sharing our families together we are merging our families and uh okay there’s there’s Stacks there they are okay they they managed to get in here so they will get in here in a second you would think they would tell Matt and stack the loved ones that were here yeah you would think that they would tell them you know that they have to get in here that they have to come be with us uh can can you get an explanation for me on what happened to the smoke machine there was supposed to be a smoke machine told you they they didn’t smoke the smoke machine that is not what happened you’re rooting against me huh is that how this works you you want your friend to suffer right you like rooting against your friends when it comes to Sports on the Knicks uh no I am rooting for Reggie Miller to be booed by the Nicks crowd I am rooting for a close game in theater for us to watch uh I would like Nick Celtics in the next round uh Pacers Celtics is less interesting and uh I I don’t believe the Knicks have any kind of chance unless everyone gets injured to actually win the championship so that is not something I’m not fearing new yorkis is out I mean uh I’m not fear and Murray is hurt in in in Denver like I mean one of the things we didn’t talk to talk about today when we talked about Denver Minnesota fascinating series we didn’t talk about the way that Murray’s calf injury like trying to line up against Anthony Edwards and when he’s also going to be guarding you and you’re limited it’s not a small injury no it’s not uh something else that we didn’t talk about at all today three hours of show the two most interesting words in sports game seven we did not mention Cavs magic not even once we didn’t mention Caitlyn Clark either we mentioned nothing about Caitlyn Clark and the start of the WNBA season welcome gentlemen welcome who won that game by the way I mean take a guess I mean I’ll believe anything at this point to grab some refreshments on the way here yes it is it is lovely to see you gentlemen good to be see good to be seen nice test though oh two nothing oh the game has started all right we missed the tip off uh welcome gentlemen we are happy to have you as part of everything that we’re doing here one of them cheese things because I just ate she’s good I I I introduced TS Dan so we’re on a good foot what else what other Latin uh what other Latin food uh who was that heart and should I bring him a little bit of rocket fuel or no tomato tomato uh you should try to be a host however it is you can be a host I don’t think that uh I don’t think that before today Stephen Jackson has ever had a spicy Margarita I love it he tried to for failure too with a one that’s your first one yeah really yeah that man we hung out so many times You’ never had a spicy Margarita never had a I blame myself Dan I know right never had a spicy right there you know back then too we was drinking straight out the bottle we wasn’t getting had too many cups it was just straight Bader and back then hey stack what was the name of the drink that y’all had with the Warriors you’d have after every game oh cannabis no the oh the other one the um at the little bar the little um nothing but the best that’s what it’s called sty had this little um Tequila drink it was like I guess it was like Patron margarita something like that but they but the best yeah that those those days are really cloudy to me to be honest with you I hear stories and oh really that happened that team was so fun you’ve never had more fun than playing for that team you guys just it was just undersized wings with Baron Davis burying poor Dirk nitzki they weren’t undersized wings that was it was the opposite all their wings were big as hell big you know forgive me undersized team large Wings yes Underside scene but big wings Jack and I were playing four and five at the time back but you know back then it was a lot of two guards that was 67 68 around that time not now that’s when you had two guards and threes were the the the the the the go-tos what were we talking about before they got here they said they that cheese thing that they I just we were talking about that I need a couple more of them [ __ ] I got you I got you I’m going to see if I can bring them rocket Fu have you guys had Cuban coffee before or not I have not all right I’mma hook you up I’m going hook you up I don’t drink coffee oh no okay then I’ll just bring it to again yeah Matt you good I’ll bring you some Rocket Fuel I’ll take some all right y’all trying to amp me up I don’t need to be turned up St I’m already turned you’re good yeah no I want you to try this though because the last time we let someone try it it was Trey Wingo and he walked home from Miami and home is Connecticut for him yes I think I want to try it now yeah right I do think you’d like it it’s not normal coffee it’s just basically a combination of a bit of sugar and crack I was about to say some cocaine in there yeah okay well we used to that so what do we got as it I mean we have the N losing early Andy Nicks are you guys always against the Knicks being out here is that kind of the rule well Dan is I love the Knicks I’m a Knicks fan so this is very exciting for me we have a lot of transplanted New Yorkers in Miami and they’ve sort of contaminated our city it’s a bit of a viral strain and it’s been they’re always down here telling us how much better New York is than Miami and uh then they moved down here I think this is going to be a really interesting series though uh I think the Knicks have guys like Hart and and divon chenzo playing out of their mind but who’s their true second option is it one of those two guys and then you look at in with SE yakum playing well halber hasn’t necessarily played well yet but obviously they’re here in the second round they got a lot of role players really playing well Miles Turner is playing well so I think this is going to be a really good match up I’ll try Julius Randall a lot of people view his absence as a blessing in disguise yes but when you say second scoring option that is a second scoring option right so you say what to hey cheers so you walking back to Cali and me walking back to Atlanta It’s A Long Walk stack try I might need 13 more of these I’m walking back to Cali wow now good luck [Music] guys Dan let’s go to Zach on a car phone Zach hello hey Dan long time first time uh Zack and Cleveland here just want to know what your thoughts on Jaylen Brunson does he shoot the ball too much to a ball hog or does tibo need to give him a talking to I’ll hang up and listen thanks bye we’re taking calls yeah answer the question that question too many shots for jayen what do you mean too many shots as opposed to what he’s the guy who could get shot you asked that question I think he’s got to be what is what does he having in 3 geez he’s having 35 he’s got to be in the 35 to 40 range for this team as I just mentioned before I don’t for to win you’re saying who’s their true second option I think again guys role players are playing really well but they don’t have that with Randall out who’s their true is it OG is it is it Hart by the numbers but they don’t have a true second option so I think jayen Brunson has to be pick and choose the spots but I think he has to get up at least 25 shots a game W he’s the leading scorer in the playoffs brunon right like he scored more than donic he scored more than Anthony Edwards what are your guys’ thoughts you guys heard that uh was it Charles Oley and Jason Williams from from ESPN said that Brunson has a chance to be the greatest Nick tripping I don’t want to get carried away but I think the greatest Nick it’s early I one brought a chip there I mean what do you you’re the one that said tripping let me hear what you’re thinking to me I love Jaylen Brunson I love his game I love everything about him I think I think if he continues he has a chance to be among the greatest but the top two names on the list is Walt fer and Willis Reed ohri not one but two wrong they got two of them what what you got STS uh I’m looking for my list of top five Nicks here I’ll have them in just a second he had it he did have it earlier and uh he is ready to be prisoner of the moment with Brunson because I mean Melo did a lot in the mid-range game but everyone loves a Bernard King type who’s just going to go out there you forgot about Bernard King how disrespectful so disrespectful blame blame it on the weed not my heart but Bernard King only was with the Knicks for a couple years his his tenure wasn’t that long and I don’t think they got out the first round when he played for the Knicks he now injuries did that I’m not I’m not taking anything away from Bernard King as a player I’m just saying like it’s like what people say is Charles Barkley the greatest player in Sun’s history he had the greatest season but he was only there for like 3 years so it’s like how do you compare that against people who had multiple multiple years of Excellence what about Ying he went to two finals although they couldn’t get it done two finals yeah absolutely you Ying is up there Ewing I have a list if you’re ready to go here you have a top five I have top five Knicks of all time all right any oi or just go right to I have three uh o four actually all right four outside looking in let’s see before we get to the top five who you got Bernard King Bill Bradley Senator Bill Bradley yep Bradley dollar bill well done stack uh Patrick euwing what he’s outside the top five Earl the Pearl okay by Jesus number five Clyde Frasier number four Willis Reed Captain number three again not trying to get carried away or be prisoner of the moment number three Isaiah hartenstein number two Jaylen Brunson wow wait a minute what’s happening right now and number one nicotine NSE please love that Nick how many other top fives do you have for us today let’s how many other top fives do you have uh let’s see I have top five well for stacks and bars I have top five guys in the NBA that canot marijuana o all right let’s see what we have there who whose name I think I have top five Jrs I got a lot going on tonight I mean what’s the score all right so uh what is the score 12 128 Indiana that was a question I was going to ask jar Smith oh that’s too soon what come on funny though what happened to Jr I thought Jr was coming so do we he had a golf tournament that he had to get to last minute that I guess he forgot to remind us about I’m sorry is it a b subject this it’s no no no no no no he’s good he’s number five stot Mark [Music] [Laughter] blunt no proofy asle partu but just Guilty By Association just guys in the NBA who can note marijuana we’re only at number five hold on a second is sick manck number four tree Rollins treein number three Jeremy roach I love you guys oh [ __ ] sick man number two Shake Milton Shake that’s that’s a great one that was excellent that should have been number one it should have been number one something better than that there something better than you got something better b b b that’s pretty good too word play is on one today my face hurts from laughing like five minutes Reggie Miller didn’t make the list yeah that would have been a good one JJ reck it’s my list it is his list how about feel free to make one I mean got plenty of time to kill do you have top five uh anything else that worth there’s worth getting to I have NBA players who were so close to making that first list but they were just a letter off oh just one letter off yeah no particular order by the way should be good Sean hemp Sean no particular order no particular I got a lot going come on it’s his list guys why no particular order you have time to organize it Nia toic the toker did you snort [Laughter] oh my goodness bro Willis weeded I like that one number two Isaiah bong well but do you know he’s a player you’re not yes it it didn’t land he’s on the Pacers number is he okay is he’s on the roster on the roster he’s in Street Clos but he’s on the roster H that counts number one kind of I said no particular order okay fine Norris Norris Norris and Steve hash that’s a that’s a couple of letters off it’s more than five did you guys I I wanted to bring you in on what happened with Jimmy Butler while we’re in a Timeout what happened with Jimmy Butler and Pat Riley can you guys just play the sound because I know that uh Matt these guys are re Stephen and Matt are very proud adults I don’t think they like very much uh being talked to like uh children and not that’s not the sound I want I don’t want the Jimmy Butler sound I want the Pat Riley sound of what Pat Riley said to Jimmy Butler today in the press conference you know for him to say that you know I thought is that Jimmy trolling or is that Jimmy serus you know if you’re not on the court playing against Boston or on the court playing against a New York Knicks you should keep your mouth shut the fact that he knows a trolling is I’m surprised that’s the craziest part of that sound for me trolling I’m not mad I mean you know we know Pat is old school and all the game has progressed and and changed and gone different directions I mean that they still run a you know straight L ship over there so not surprised by what Pat said interesting what Jimmy said you know obviously he’s playoff Jimmy and and been able to do his thing but me looking at that as well like if you’re not on the court how are you going to say the things you’re saying normally your game backs it up so to hear your words it just didn’t land well with me but I’m not mad at it yeah just I mean he could he could choose better word ain’t no tell ain’t no shutting me up and ain’t no telling me to shut up what if Pat told you to shut up you shut up okay so you so you’re looking for a job you shut up I mean uh Pat Riley would say he and Alonzo Morning would get into it face to face yelling at each other and Pat Riley would say go ahead and tell me [ __ ] you to my face but teach me something teach me something like he he didn’t mind confrontation as a part of growth he wasn’t uh but I don’t know I mean you’re you don’t you particularly don’t take well to disrespect and someone saying I don’t disrespect nobody so are we saying what Jimmy said was disrespectful no I’m say well I’m saying that Pat RI that shut your mouth shut your mouth can be taken if you are an adult uh someone rep and not say saying it in public shut your mouth to another grown man can be taken disrespect but I don’t see nothing wrong what Jimmy said he he was if I was playing we would have I he confident but if if if was a fifth we’d all be all the players do that yeah but Stephen like it it means more when Jimmy says what he says when he’s actually still playing no question when he’s going through the Celtics and he says something it means something right it it holds more way to be playing no question but you know that’s just that’s how he felt if he would have been playing they would have did better I don’t know if they would have won get off the stool Pat no Pat ain’t changing you uh Stephen you root for the Pacers there’s Jimmy though huh you still root for the Pacers right uh I don’t root for any team you know I mean if I had to root for a team I root for the Warriors because out of all the teams I played for that’s the only team that treat me like family so if I root for any team I would root for the Warriors you say they only team that treated you like family but you did tell me the story on South Beach sessions of Rick Carlile holding your hand while you were in surgery for a long time without anesthesia after uh you know getting your your face mess yeah me and Rick well forever have a relationship that’s my my guy I can call him anytime and talk to him about anything so we definitely have a bond that that probably never be broken but that’s different you’re making a separation I don’t mean to cause conflict with no no yeah that’s separate from the organization it’s a personal relationship and uh and why is it that the warriors were the only ones to treat you like family I I mean basically it’s simple they appreciated what we done when we was there the time we were there you know what I mean and we still have a lot of love there I think every time we go back people still tell you that these guys won championships but we still remember y’ I’m in Oakland and Jack negotiated his own three-year deal by himself at dinner shout out to Bobby ra yep why I had two years left on my contract M with no with no agent and then ask and no college degree tell them it mean you know I brag on that no college degree Boys Ain’t smart at all but I know how to count barely High School degree barely High School I got 1.3 he knew how to make it math though that’s all that matter make it math make it math make it math how’d that happen at dinner how’d that go well it was just simple they were scared of Jack but go ahead I had some good friends in the organization and um I had them get my stats and the stats of the guys you know Mike R A lot of those guys that was making some money and what I was averaging and my stats was better than a lot of those guys and I told him I needed to get that or it’s going to be a you know consequences or else I believe D you know one of the funniest things about both stack and Matt I went back and looked at their stats their first playoff games ever for both both of them and both of y’all bald out like you play really well in your first playoff game and a lot of times guys get Jitters MH uh you know stack you started your career in New Jersey and then you get San Antonio your first playoff game was that Championship run Matt your first playoff game was the We Believe run what do you guys remember what them feelings were like before you played your first playoff game I know I was nervous as hell I mean I can’t even lie because I started the season off on the bench and halfway doing the season now I’m starting so you know playing on the San Antonio team the only expectation is Championship you know I I was going to a team with a lot of expectations and a new role so I was nervous but at the same time it’s still basketball smoke a joint go to sleep come to the game even kill and see what happens but you know at the same time we went out there and played hard regardless but we was nervous I know I was uh me similar situation you know [ __ ] had to make the roster to begin with and and and went from the last man to starting or the Sixth Man and I was high so I wasn’t really nervous I mean to be honest with you I was nice and calm and and ready to go and and and went out there and and tried to perform the best my I I knew early on obviously this is my first year I’m really getting to play so I knew who our guys were it was Jack it was BD it was Jay Rich so to me to be able to go out there and fill a role and find out what that role was early I never really felt like there was pressure on me because I wasn’t the star so my job was to do and plug holes and do the dirty work and and and I was good at that so you know just translating from the regular season to playoffs I was just more excited to actually be there and and and be in the moment and actually have my mom there cuz if you guys remember my mom died at the very beginning of the next season so struggle the first two or three years to get on finally get on my mom get to see me play so it was just really being out there and being in the moment and and seizing the moment y That’s where you guys became real real friends right I mean Matt Matt’s mentioned that one a couple of times in terms of you really being there for him when was uh spiraling a bit yeah that was big I mean it’s you know man it’ll be my boys will be 16 this year so 17 years in November since my mom passed but it was a it was a you know within a month diagnosed and died and it was the beginning of The Following season so the diagnosed November 1st died November 27th or 28th so 26 days within being diagnosed and I was gone lost and you know took some time off and and and Jack was the one day in day out you know whether it’s a phone call whether it’s bringing some food whether it’s coming over and chilling coming over and smoking he was just there you know obviously that the whole organization was great but I think Jack went out of his way just to make sure that I was that I was good and um you know obviously we went from you know we were already brothers because that we believe season early brought us all together but it kind of just solidified you know that you know this guy will be my guy for the rest of my life so that definitely was kind of the crowning moment of us and and you know from that to be able to do what we’re doing postc career has been great I kind of I I kind of feel like it was just it was just meant to be because of the situation but what people don’t know is my mom and his mom had hit it off yeah close I’m talking about immediately calling each other once she left they were super close so like you said before I’ve kind of learned how to deal with death different than people you know what I’m saying so I I just wanted to be there for him in whatever way I could because I’ve had so many people there for me in my lifetime you know losing my older brother 16 so I was familiar with the situation so I knew how be there for him you know what I’m saying I probably didn’t have all the answers but I just wanted to be there and um you know that’s when the relationship grew and you know we brothers for life now it’s nice to see the partnership you guys have formed I told Matt this the other day when he was on with us uh it’s it’s nice when people have the chemistry of like a genuinely shared love you don’t see that a great deal in broadcast television the TNT crew has it uh it’s one of the reasons that they’re the best that’s ever that that’s ever been St got what’s going on in this game uh the Knicks are up uh six well they’re up four but they’re going to the foul line for two I’m going head on my computer here so spoiler alert they hit both of them they’re up six is that is that the is that the third greatest Nick of all time at the free throw line that is number three yes don’t eat the coaster I mean just ask me like can I eat this I’m like n how’s the coffee kicking in guys I it’s it’s it’s starting to tingle a little bit in my chest it’s I think it’s working its way to my nervous system sometimes th I be on so much I don’t know what hit me what what you know what I mean I can’t tell what he what’s kicking in and what’s kicking out some something is flowing through what did what did mcae say I’m pump full of everything said I’m PP full of everything stack I’m embarrassed to say I took a bite out of it but that’s cuz it’s not like a perfect circle it looked like a chip you know so I was like oh this is I took a bite out of it yeah I it didn’t get through it though I saw Dan what are your guys’ thoughts on this uh new TV deal obviously the end of 2025 New Deal and there’s talks that Turner may not renew and it could be the end of one of the greatest if not the greatest basketball what do you want to call it show it’s the greatest basketb it’s the greatest sports Studio show that there has ever been who’s picking up the rights metalark or um metalark will not be we we we can afford these guys and not a lot else these guys and you and then we don’t have anything left over great AR throw five on it but uh yeah that’s the greatest sports show everyone has tried to emulate that show and it’s interesting that Ernie Johnson says that he’s not leaving under any circ*mstances and then Barkley says he won’t do the show without earning right isn’t isn’t that uh but uh Barkley also said that he would retire at 60 and he’s not doing that and he said he wouldn’t take the Saudi money and he was considering that very strongly yes he was tell but if they did the pre and the post with no games wouldn’t people still watch that cuz you can’t do that if they did the pre and the post yeah but any body who would buy the rights would want to take that show with them like they’d want the whole thing they’re talking ESPN Amazon and they’re trying to see if it’s going to with don’t quote me I think it’s Turner and then ABC is going for that third slot between those two teams and and they’re talking about Turner may not throw in I think they have to is it NBC excc so they’d have to what go to like 2.6 billion for per year yeah the big problem is Turner is owned by Warner Brothers Discovery and they’ve been doing a lot of cost cutting over the last couple years so the feeling is that they’re kind of not wanting to go where the money is going meanwhile uh NBC which is owned by Comcast they want people to have a reason to subscribe to Peaco*ck so they’re willing to put in the money to put the games on peaco*ck and in return and said we’ll put two Prime Time games on NBC those NBC theme songs were dope back [Laughter] that’s uh pretty good John Tesh gave us the rights to that because he has the rights to that you can find on our computer he gave it it to Dan I was there he said he said that we can have because I like their version better uh their their version was pretty good they did it uh they did it pretty good but they had about eight shots of that coffee you gave us you have somewhere in the system that’s uh him giving us the rights that Lucy what’s going on in the met the Met Gala Kim Kardashian I could not be more upset with her she had this insane corset look that it’s she can’t breathe in it and she looked amazing she wore a cardigan over it a little I know like she’s wearing probably a $100,000 dress and put a little sweater over it for the Met Gala she shouldn’t be invited back but question did you hear her get roasted last night at Tom Brady’s roast holy [ __ ] sideswiped on oh my god oh they got her it was hurtful for sure uh was it I forgot the guy’s name I wasn’t familiar with his name but it was it was it brought her back down to earth a little bit I think a little gut shot kill Tony killon Tom it was I thought what Tom Brady said was worse oh that uh Kanye’s watching the kids that was tough you could see her face she was like don’t you there that was good there it is [Music] that on a Saturday afternoon electric yes absolutely it’s electric boie wiie wiie I do damn I can do it all day what do you guys do with the fact that this team shifted from halberton to se yakum when halberton got hurt and halberton is still sort of playing hurt and halberton seems like he’s playing hurt because he was trying to get to the incentives of all first team NBA rush back that’s that’s a loaded question yeah it’s real load but go ahead I’m not sold on seak I never have been sold on seak you know he couldn’t do it in in Toronto what make you think he’s going to come here and you know I’m just not sold on seak but I love halberton I love what he brings I love everything he does he’s a star of that team and you want your star to push through injury especially especially especially this far in the season this point in the season you want your stars pushing themselves so uh I’m I’m big on Halbert and just don’t think seak is a good sidekick for him but if you remember siakam’s best years were as a sidekick to or excuse me year was that number two option when Kawai was the number one option so I think is if halberton can get healthy and be and I don’t know if he’s going to get enough time because I think the Knicks will win this series but I think they could be a good Duo if Hal Burton is the number one um but is is Hal Burton the number one you know I think he’s proved this year he’s had a hell of a year but is he longterm is he a number one you don’t think he’s a number one I want to see it more like I I’ve seen it he’s had a hell of a season no I’ve been a big fan I was in Sacramento working with the Kings when they just tried to trade sabonis for halberton and how crazy the Kings fans went for that trade it end up working out for both teams obviously he’s had a hell of a year don’t I’m a huge fan of Halton but I I want to see it consist is he a consistent number one I mean you don’t have any doubts that he’s a number one do you I think he’s the best point guard pure point guard in the league I think what what what Matt is saying though I agree is he needs his score he needs his Amari STM to just be a monster that just racks up points and sabonis or sabonis well not not not sabonis I think cuz sabonis needs the ball in his hands as a passer a lot he needs someone who’s like a a play finisher like like Amari is the name that comes to mind that kind of comp I don’t know who that is in the league right now but I think if he had someone like that it would make life a lot easier because if if I’m a team I’m playing the Pacers if Tyrese scores 30 I’m happy and he has five assists or six assists I’m happy I don’t want him getting double digit assists this sounds like a doubt out who has the most doubt here Amin or Matt who’s got the most doubt in halberton oh I think it’s Matt Matt Matt I don’t have the doubt in Halbert I have the doubt that consistently he’s that number one guy that’s going to be if if he’s the number one guy on top of his assist he has to be what 25 to 27 a game I don’t think enough I don’t think he’s that from a scoring perspect I think he can do that but I don’t think he can do that night in night out I agree with I mean I think he needs someone to be able to do the heavy lifting so when he’s giving you 17 assists and 25 that I was like yeah cool but it it’s not going to we need that 25 every single night from you I want to be able to see that but but Dan like it’s one of those weird things they could get that guy I would still say Tyrese hurn is their best player but he’s not their score he needs a score to play with facts I know that these guys want a different uh media the way that it’s been covered throughout their career they’d like to be a part of changing is Halbert a number one that’s how we do it on fat call 3051 0281 I would like the I’d like the metal Ark PR team to send out to all uh all Outlets Barnes colon I doubt halberton I’d like this partnership to start with a betrayal let’s go to roony in New Jersey go the bus H this is Ro from New Jersey first time long time listen St I just want to say right now get rid of Alonzo New York Mets trade him he’s overrated Lindor worst contract in history of baseball get rid of him I’m sick of the damn M you know what the polar bear I mean get rid of him Su what do you think the audacity at one and four for him to go to a concert do you remember beginning of the season one and four Mets off to a bad start the audacity for that guy who has like 17 home runs on pays for 95 damn we’re doing the show I want to do what are you doing keep going I’m with you I’m with you but for him at one and four in that spot to attend a concert impossible get rid of would you like one of these cheese thingy no thank you I got I’m lactose start [ __ ] this room up he just drunk that coffee more coffee stack at the Kos are fire man these things are crack you guys have thoughts on Peter Alonzo I don’t I don’t watch enough Pete I don’t watch enough basball right now to be honest with you ever since the a started playing Money Ball 15 years ago that was my team yeah I’m with you I think you asked a very very good question before Matt like the Knicks number two score because randle’s out and he’ll be out for the uh remainder of the season but I think what the Knicks are doing and it’s proven successful thus far yeah like every it seems like every game a different guy is the new number two and right now it’s hard that’s hard to game plan for yes that’s hard to game plan for when you don’t know where that number two scoring is going to come from especially when you can’t stop their number one I mean brunson’s absolutely incredible so it is a it is a kind of a gift slash a curse because you don’t know where that two it could be anybody in night but it just has to consistently be somebody the blessing in that is too they having success H having success without him yeah get him up out of here and use him for yeah you can use him for a good piece that you can use got to trade him wait you guys think Randall is enjoying this no he’s not enjoying it he prefer them losing right yes exactly exactly damn are we going that far I mean I’m I’m not I’m not going to say I’m just asking the question I’m I’m not I’m not going to say he’s sitting there at home rooting for him to lose but in the back of my his mind he knows if as far as they go without him that’s making him more and more trade bait that’s just how it works it minimizes his value exactly that’s the game that’s how the game go but I think they’re going to fall short because they don’t have someone like him it’s weird they like I always felt like this like playing moving the ball motion off as it’s cool and it’s great but at some point in the playoffs you reach a point where you just need got to throw to somebody somebody everything went wrong and they still went and got one but also the way tibs plays these guys with their minutes when are they going to if I’m not saying when are they going to run out I could see them beating Indiana I got the Knicks to be honest with you in probably five six at the most so you get to the Eastern Conference Finals and you guys I mean what heart’s leading the playoff in minutes if I’m not mistaken about 44 45 minutes a game so tibs has a history of running guys to the Bone pause so is that going to catch up with this team with no true second score are these guys’ legs going to be able to hold up in that next round if they’re able to get to that next round and still be that guess who’s going be that second score it’s a natural thing though right I mean Stephen answered quickly but that’s it’s a natural reaction you don’t want the team to be as good when you’re not there like I mean I root for this show to fail when I’m not here I same I feel thaty thank you for your honesty I love that he’s like forget this show my on my off days yeah but but Matt you were surprised by that like how quick his answer was no no I’m not I I I wasn’t necessarily surprised I mean Jack is straight straight Chase so yo stack I want to ask you a question you played for Rick Carlile I love him how surprised are you to see him be like lovable Rick Carlile now like easy going on his point guard and everything well I mean I think Rick has been great at with involving with the times yes you know he had me Ron Ates Jermaine O’Neal you know he had the worst of the worst all at one time and dealt with that he deserves a wooa and I think he’s he in his wooa phase you know what I’m saying but rickon been through a lot man I think like I said he’s good with making adjustments involving over the year with the league and the way it’s changing and I think uh the way the way the players have changed coaching style has changed as well too so I think he’s just adapting to the way things have changed I think that’s big too because you look on the flip side it doesn’t look like tibs is kind of adapted at all but still his formula is successful he found the guys right hard noos college players that can translate to the league but any kind of Divas like this new generation and I’m learning too obviously I’m coaching teenagers now but to me it’s less about x and o’s with this younger and Next Generation it’s more about relating to them and and bringing them with you instead of strategy because a lot of these kids can play uh so it’s more about how can you relate to these kids how can you make them Buy in how can you make them believe mat like CU you’re coaching you obviously your twins are are playing uh they’re hooping at a high school level now the my kid is is 13 and the thing that I’m noticing is a lot of the kids are skilled skilled the way that 13-year-old should not be skilled L IQ though no idea how to play because their whole lives have been drills and kind of cones and in a gym but not games but not games they don’t play enough enough games and enough unorganized games to figure out how to move without the UN organized games cuz I think on the flip side there are too many tournaments like I think AU used to be for the best players when we were growing up now it’s for whoever it’s for everyone dad’s got money and wants to start a team so I think on the flip side there’s too many pointless games there’s too many pointless games um but I mean to answer your question I was literally before we came in I was talking to my assistant coach and about teaching kids Concepts and spacing and learning how to play off the ball you know it’s not so much EX andos and play execution on plays it’s learning how to play in space learning how to play off the ball how to cut and sacrifice yourself how to play off a flare how to play off a down screen how to play out of the pick and roll how to play out the pick and pop so really teaching kids Concepts and understanding you’re the higher you go the less the ball will probably be in your hands and how can you still be effective just the idea even of I was talking about this earlier today about the adjustments that players make at the highest level but if you take it down to middle school high school even some college players if you got a defense that’s very aggressive and denying at that level they don’t know what to do they’re like oh I don’t know what to do but you get to the next level and it’s like oh I just cut back door and now we’re done and the number of kids like I said skilled kids athleticism height length that don’t know the basics like that they’re even at the highest level even in the NBA Yep they’re get well now they’re getting there I think too I mean because it is such an influx in games and influx in a it’s a lack of quality coaching as well some of these guys could couldn’t play and couldn’t coach either but see here they are running these big programs so I think you got to get lucky and find yourself a coach that really understands how to direct we had r joh Rondo on the show about a month ago and he was talking about how he runs his program and you know the steps he feels these kids need to take to get there and and some parents didn’t believe in him and he’s like you came to my program for this guidance but if you know better go ahead you know and then Jamal Crawford spoke to how and I agree 1,000% parents are ruining the game because they have unreasonable expectations and ideals of who their children are and putting them in situations to fail but then not stand and and grind to get better but let’s go somewhere else so it’s there’s a lot of things you can say that are kind of messed up but for those lucky few that are able to get through I think the league now is more skilled than it’s ever been but I think it lacks IQ even at the highest level uh Matt I would like to submit my resume to be your assistant coach okay I hit six threes and a half it’s a long island record till this day 63 is one half Jack just so you know it’s not not against Long Beach I was also a head coach but I’m willing to be your assistant coach I was a head coach for my daughter’s lacrosse team we went two years without losing a game two years very solid how much weed can you smoke is the question that’s that’s on the resume as much as anyone hired all the other stuff did not matter yes all other stuff did not matter I smoke weed that’s all I had to say you got the job hire here I’m G to coach a game with you sign here I see hey I see is that Poppy in the building uh he’s uh disoriented he does not hear you papy you’ve been summoned uh Matt Barnes and Steven Jack are happy to see you likewise likewise yes sir hell may say say may doesn’t hit the same same thing still a weekend still Mayo not the same thing still the weekend too it’s the weekend poy uh they how have you enjoyed the uh the spread did you have anything they told me I had oh man you know what I mean that’s uh the best of the best of its kind for free the only reason came here for free here dinner for free let’s have a uh coming up on the show uh Stephen Jackson Face Off With My Father do you mind doing that not I have no problem doing it all right you ready to go are you ready I don’t think he’s ready it’s been a while since you practiced this coming to the show is Steven Jackson that’s pretty good got to go back you got to go back at him you got to show him how coming up next coming up next is stepen Jackson still got it classic that’s that’s MJ and Kobe you can’t get mad at that that’s MJ and Kobe yes sir I love the the way the Pacers play I can’t say that it reminds me of how it is that you guys played when you had the most fun with the Warriors but for the time you guys I mean I keep watching I it’s disorienting to me still to see the love of three-pointers so much that guys in playoff games are just shooting down the lane and going straight to the rim unencumbered uh it’s weird to see it having grown up in the age when you guys knew that if you got anywhere near the rim you were going to get your head taken off and the difference thing is too ain’t no Baron Davis out there right now there’s no there’s not no Baron Davis out there the Pacers are a deeper team that’s what scares me in this series they’re just deeper team their bench has 23 of the 33 points right now yeah and before I say anything about basketball Dan this is a hell of Margarita bro yeah I’m spicy boys I’m not spicy but this is flavorful tahen and salt on the rim yeah don’t catch me if you catch me licking the rim Don’t Judge Me hey yo that’s crazy that’s crazy very crazy it’s crazy I let the first one go I I let St go when he said I like it spicy I let that one go you see I ain’t say nothing I can’t play this [ __ ] no more too old hey I’m too old when were we doing pause during the We Believe days right I don’t know when it started we played it for too damn long yeah like the early 2000s and they came back with Cam and mace yeah safe to say they never stopped they never our guys right they are the what what what should we call them the AO boys the AO boys they are the they are The Gatekeepers of the AO they are The Gatekeepers they had Paul Pierce on I think he had his first violation within 30 seconds if if Paul has any drink he’s violating the whole night Paul is yeah Paul’s One of a Kind mhm the truth truth we should all we should all sing it together every time every time that he plays it let’s not forget that wfat is presented by 100 flowers save up to 40% off Mother’s Day best sellers at 100f someone’s got to do their job he’s better at night wfb uh if you do not buy flowers for your mother I am going to come to your home and I’m going to make all the sheets in your house wet so that when you go to bed that was crazy that was crazy D I see if I played that was crazy I don’t really know where he’s going with the wet sheets though I’m confus I’m just threatening I’m threatening I’ve been for years threatening the customers if they don’t buy flowers for their mother by saying that I’m going to unleash reptiles in their home put frogs in their toilet and I was just talking about it generally I was just talking about liquid that wasn’t coming from my body it was coming from not helping Dan you got to know you did that on purpose verbage Brother come on whoa coming all what whoa he’s the one who said if I lick the rim don’t judge me he’s the one I hit with he’s the one who did that I’m the Gayo here and you know that that doesn’t fly here with me I I I was in the I was in the penalty boss for two minutes for that comment I’m coming back now as we got a lead change Indiana up three not good Dan you’re already at not good Dan cuz you’re down three in the second quarter I’m pretty close to calling Brunson a choker I mean already I’ll give him another quarter oh I like Miles Turner they’ve been trying to trade him the entire time he’s been there miles burner that would have worked thank you Tony Matt you’re a guy that I want to say for the first uh maybe the first six or seven years of your career you were signing oneye deal one year deal oneye deal until you went to Orlando that’s when you signed your first multi-year deal how hard is it to adjust to being with a new team every year uh I mean it was tough but again being a student of the game and and watching games and understanding where I can fit in you know every time I went to I’d go back and watch some film on them the previous year and kind of find where they had holes at and if I was able to go out there and and and fill those holes effectively you know I was you know I would get play you know as many teams as I played on and bounced around I was always either a starter or the first or second guy to come off the bench so you know just again a student of the game and and and kind of get in where I fit in and you know turned it into a long career but uh you know I was someone who I think there was a big misconception of the person until you got a chance to know me you know hated to play against me but loved to play with me and um you know found I found a home everywhere I went yo so Matt we were together in Phoenix in 0809 and that was so a lot of people don’t know this not only you know were you a great teammate but you’re one of the main reasons Jason Richardson got to the to the Suns because when the deal came up with Charlotte I think David Griffin and Steve Kerr talked to you and asked you about Jay Rich and you Sayang his Praises as a teammate and he came over and he was a great teammate obviously stack I got to know you after your playing career and but I told you this the first day we worked together at ESPN everybody who ever played with you said said that guy’s the best teammate ever and I didn’t real I didn’t understand what that meant I didn’t really understand what that meant until we worked together and I was like oh now I get it it’s like you care about people uh in a way that goes beyond the superficial hey how’s you how’s your day going what now as I look around in the league right now I see guys like Josh Hart that St stands out that’s a great teammate right there is that something you can learn did you guys learn that or is that just who you are think I don’t think you can teach that that has that that have to be in you perfect example you you can see guys I’m going to give you a great example when guys fall on the floor what teammates run to pick them up like it just has to be in you you have to care about the guys that you go on the war with every day and it’s not and it’s not just caring about them why you on the court you know it’s caring about them and their families off the court their well-being spending time with them off the court like when you build those type relationships like we built with my team and Golden State it’s it you might have four or five guys running to pick one guy because we all care about each other and you have success that way you see the teams that have success they bond like that so I don’t think it’s something that you can be taught you have to care and you have to be born with that I think you have to be born with it but also I think you can learn from a standpoint if you seeing other guys do it it can rub off on you kind of how energy is contagious sometimes I feel like being just being a good person a good dude is contagious especially in the day and age where we’re coming up where it was The Stereotype of athletes are you can cuss on this show right [ __ ] and don’t and all those huge stereotypes that kind of have been debunked since because people got a chance to know some athletes so I I kind of think too that’s something that can rub off you know I’ve always just been someone that’ll go to war for my team and when you got me there you realize what that meant um but yeah I think it’s very important sometimes front offices don’t understand that kind of chemistry that that is in the locker room sometimes and they’re only looking at purely numbers and and and purely this and sometimes guys that are great pieces and fits and locker rooms get booted out or or or moved on perfect example I think in LOB City where almost had to beat up doc one year and then got traded um and how much that I love that I love that as a phrase like they just quickly move just just quick when I almost had to beat up doc that one year doc was tripping so but that following year when JJ and DeAndre and CP are all calling me on bus rides and plane rides my dog that we miss you Juju came in with the spr well Jersey on spre or is that a uh channy fry I don’t I can’t tell hold on it better not be a Channing fry I think it might be a Channing fry canotes marijuana fry Hey channy fried good to meet you nice to see you Juju Juju Juju got it it’s a spre jersey Juju used to run around the club in Atlanta my my in my club Atlanta we used to have these talent show nights right so Juju had one of the hottest songs in the city in Atlanta while I had the club and U we used to have the talent show Juju will come in the talent show I’m talking about soon as the song Start he didn’t touch every bar running on the bars all in oh he he’s very entertaining and you know I was one of his biggest fans because I really wanted to see him succeed because he has a lot of Talent with music so we wanted to support him and that’s how our relationship uh became but he is super talented Dan you couldn’t It’s a small world man to have him here with you guys after the relationship that me and him built you know since I’ve been in Atlanta it’s crazy that we all family again at the wildest thing when we all got together in New York that that was what we talked about you were like Juju like that’s my guy I’m like how do you know I’m thinking like just through this basketball talk and stff like no no no I known him for years and years and years here he comes Juju been talking Sports Talk forever way before this now we getting paid for it now you’re getting paid for it y Juju there’s a question is that a uh spree well or is that Channing fry it’s a spre he say Channing fry you would have been wearing the Channing fry though that would have been a good name to use I know Chan fried to him I didn’t want to do it to him I mean there’s a lot going on it’s moving quickly Juju welcome give us all your basketball thoughts I know you you got that first game in Minnesota Denver exactly right exactly I told y’all last that’s my first thought Fresh Off The we tried to tell him Drew you he me I was crazy as hell and all that but look here we are 200 goddamn 28 that’s all your basketball thoughts yeah I just look out the plan you want me to come in here and get on the mic out of breath godam it was 17 people in the in the audience papy did you get a good hug from Juju or what yes he gave me a hell of a hug how you doing back there doing fine doing fine watching The Butcher ah the butcher he he wants to know what happened to the beans and rice he’s I know man you know I you I guess Miss heing Miss love oh man is there a fan base that you guys don’t like Utah why you’re pretty racist you were quick there man that was quick I break it down to you play the playoffs I don’t know if y’all remember this second round second round go to the free throw line you know I got got in trouble in Indiana before I got there this was actually the funny part the other part was [ __ ] up the guy had me and the black and white you remember the movie Life the jail suits that Martin Lawrence he had me in the cutout 6’8 cutout under the goal and me in the jail suit why is your friend laughing over that CU it it was funny I went I I you appreciated the effort yeah it was funny I was even mad at the guy was signed it after this this is before he had no space between his front teeth oh yeah my there was there was a little parking spot in the front of his tee too I had that [ __ ] was class yeah had a whole garage we garage doors but um yeah I signed it but they they you hear the most most racist super racist comp uh the N word was yeah and the audience doing the game they say all kind of stuff they’re in Boston I like Boston’s crowd better because they’re crazy but RAC is pretty racist there too but yeah Utah definitely Utah’s bad ra very racist fan base at least back when there and I think a couple years ago some people were talking about it and everyone tried to say it was and I’m just like no I can definitely feel where you’re coming from bro with the Westbrook story I think it was right Westbrook there when he when stands I already know what was said you did cuz we didn’t heard it we heard it a couple times so I you understood why Russ was doing what he was do that’s the only thing that can make you go into the stands the only thing you guys like playing in New York I love playing in the garden them rims are low they not they feel like they’re about 8et tall I love a good low Rim yes Sacramento and the Knicks in the garden the rim seem like it’s 8T tall I like I have like a 40 in vertical when I play against them for some reason that’s cuz they were bad when you played them the rim was still the same size the rims was good CU you playing against the easy team breaking news y’all Minnesota Timberwood Center Rudy Gober personal reasons is out for the night I know he just had the baby expecting a child they had a baby right he had one yeah I don’t know if that’s a good enough reason to miss a game like this you gotta play I’m with you that’s how you do it on the fat yeah hey I’m tell I’m G tell y right now the vet move is your babies get born in the offseason uh that’s kind of hard cuz I’m horrible with pulling out but I’m just saying babies are very important I don’t know good the baby good if I can make it to the game I’ll be right back afterwards I’m going get the hoop in once I understand that they good two in in in Denver that changes the whole outlook of this of and he had such a he did such a great job in game one such a great job in game is this go be’s first kid cuz that’s I’m not sure it is his first yes it’s his first okay there’s a difference there too I you’re you’re the veteran dad around here even though Matt has six kids you’re you’re the grandfather oh I’m sorry I’m sorry to underestimate sir uh but poppy how would that go over if when I was being born uh you had missed the birth because you were at work no I I was going to be there I wasn’t going to miss the the birth uh my my father came and told my mother who was all sedated and stuff soon after I was born uh she’s she doesn’t you know she’s not she’s disoriented and she says um I think he’s abnormal I think his face doesn’t lookes his face doesn’t look right no they didn’t look right they thought they thought you were slow coming out just that’s go there’s something I said no he got he got uh 10 fingers he got uh two feet you know he got looking like Rocky he’s uh the face only a mother could love he got everything so she was hell yeah D I think my mom would have preferred he’ not be there he’s going to come into the room and that’s what he’s going to offer as his analysis Chris Cody I have seen that you haven’t been listening at all is it because you’re watching the Panthers game watching watching the Panthers game eating the food out there we got a spread out there Dan I don’t know if you went out there but yeah the Panthers 0er Z first period we’re on a power play right now Bob’s looked a little shaky with the puck but we’re looking good they haven’t given up a goal I know but he’s just looking a little shaky okay got T.J McConnell has 10 points you wanted to Pace of the hate he is he’s my guy you’re right I heard what y was saying earlier too I can’t agree more halberton is a number two and ironically it’s seaka he a number two too they going to need a number one to come get them right because couple of number twos cutting it up juj feel me you seak he disappeared I love when SC hey I love what stack doesn’t doesn’t light or doesn’t rock with someone oh [ __ ] you’re going to know it two and a you’re going to know it a two and a half let me tell you why bro I told this story I’m in what I’m about damn near 40 something and I went to a run at UCLA just because Rico you know Rico I got runs and I I was in uh working out there on one of them shows and I was like let me go play pick up I took eight charges on him you don’t even take charges you took a stack you took a charge in a pickup game I couldn’t help it cuz he ain’t got mov that’s CRA unbeliev he was running over me like you got like you stood up and pointed this way I’m going to get some food off this com Rico Rico calls the calls right Rico calls the calls yes I cuz I play basketball I play defense everywhere not just you call back cour too no I don’t call I didn’t call no calls but the thing was he ran over me so easy he has no handle he has no no we call mess arounds he has no mess around so he just he just he’s going right hard and he was just ran over me every time and Rico blew the whistle like six times I’m like bro find another move he ain’t learned the spin move yet he’s now since then like the spin move is his kind of thing he goes right and then he comes spins back left yeah if I can guard you like that at 40 something just imagine when I was in my Prime Dan the only time I’ve ever been like worried at an NBA game I went with Stephen Jackson to a Clipper game we had media seating we were like first row he he’s out there yelling he’s talking [ __ ] to the players he’s yelling at Doc I was like stack man you got to chill man they gonna take our credentials away why what was happening just generally emotional about everything that was happening he was talking [ __ ] he was like you’re garbage he was yelling at player like you’re garbage why are you hackling the players man hey you know I worked hard to get in the NBA man you know what I’m saying and it’s a lot of guys that should be in the NBA that’s not for their own different reasons but you know I play in the game if I think somebody’s not good I’mma say it I think I have the right to say that you do but it’s it’s unusual for people to do so I mean you’ve not run into other people who do this correct no I’ve never had that happen since or before Dan we’re not I’m not talk I’m not talking about our seats were like seven rows up or 10 at the top of the 100 section we were front row right there on the Baseline and and you know stack Stack’s voice is loud and very recognizable and it was a Clipper game so you know they had those moments of Silence where like it would just be you know it’s a dead ball no one was talking because it’s a Clipper game you just hear sax you’re trash I like damn bro hey man hey man hey man uh got you were very excited about what happened at the that’s because the third greatest Nick of all time uh Isaiah hartenstein hit a half shot to close out the half I thought she was talking about a Arington the third grest [ __ ] of all time shout out to Al I saw him in Indianapolis at Allstar Weekend and after I saw him he said hey let me give you some some product because of Biola right yes yes I don’t know where he thought I was going because he thank you Jesus Christ it was like a sack of all types of different things yeah big out like it was like always comes through right pre-rolls always uh baggies uh like Vapes like everything I was like you know he’s here now right you know Al Harrington is uh here as part of our halftime show you did not know that is he here for real yes way yes Yes Albert there he is looks like he can still it looks like he can still score 20 I mean he does you could you what what do you think when you hear the story that Amin was at a Clippers game with stepen Jackson and he was heckling the players and calling them trash tag it sounds like something that was accurate I just don’t I don’t understand your your friend uh your friend is Jack is burnt out if you guys haven’t realized by now what up bro what up with you mat match you good I’m good baby how you good what you drinking on right now man I was actually drinking on water bro you know I changed my life dog did you yeah I changed my life you get baptized I’ll tell you about it I’ll tell you about it another time just me and you offline yeah B Brer had some of that by at the house out that thing is smoking big brother keep doing your thing man thanks baby you know I got that for sure Al watch me get roasted by Mike EPS for like 15 minutes straight where at in Indiana Indianapolis he just sat there and laughed the whole time man I just kept waiting for Mike to move on he didn’t and N he just stuck with it found his Target making fun of my hairline I said was over I said he was making fun of my hairline I said Al you can’t be laughing that hard man Al lost his hairline in seven eight third grade Al eight grade look at my it’s coming back in no it’s not Stacks tag it’s coming back in eighth grade you were you were losing the hairline in eighth grade no that’s ly I I lost it my junior year my junior year is when it started to receive bad it started to fade away but your game was your game was going one way your hairline was going the other going a whole another are you you you’re in Dallas now right we used to be neighbors and now left Cali and you in Dallas now or where you at yeah yeah I came down to Dallas area man I had to get out of California man it wasn’t the same after the pandemic I felt like everything was different bro so I had need a new I need a new some new scenery I almost moved down to Atlanta next to Jack but then I thought that would been way too much you did right it wouldn’t good move I bet them taxes is different too oh man yeah everything is different even gas gas is the biggest difference I spent like $3,000 a month for gas in La man [ __ ] was crazy you got to drive everywhere yeah $3,000 a month on gas is that what kind of gas hold up what kind of gas right I mean you know I had to get premium do you know I got I got very nice Vehicles man he’s not talking he been driving talking about another type of gu talking about that gas the gas that should cost $3,000 a month that was higher than that that’s free that gas is free right that gas is free as [ __ ] talking about pet that’s right Al what’s been the hardest part about the the marijuana business um then you got all these big companies coming in and don’t know what the hell they doing and driving the price down definitely a water down market now right would you say hell yeah man it’s just you know everybody got got weed and you know what I’m saying like since their weed isn’t good the only way they can sell it is they got to sell it for nothing you know what I’m saying so it affects the entire market so that’s definitely been one of the one of the hardest challenges and then obviously Banking and the tax laws you know what I’m saying we can’t write No Ordinary business expenses off so there’s a lot of challenges or whatever but you know I’ve been you know dealing with it for the last 11 and a half years so you know I’m pretty used to it at this point but we definitely looking for some change man so that the industry can really start to flourish you got there early you got there before a whole lot of people right it was a lot it was easier iier then was it not even though you you probably knew less but I imagine there was just less competition yeah it it was you could say it was easier the price was way higher you know what I’m saying but also you know because there was so much you know un you know not knowing what was gonna happen legally you know especially for somebody like myself that had a professional career and you know was you know fortunate that you know have money and have a family you know you definitely had to be very very cautious you know the way you was actually moving and the way you were operating your businesses during that time but you know now it’s changed so much you know like obviously when I first started you know it wasn’t this as popular as it is now like now every every platform in the world will talk about cannabis you know back then it was like very hush hush or whatever but you know I always just felt like I was doing something that was gonna one day change the world you know what I’m saying and that’s the thing that I think about cannabis is you know it fost his community it put so many different people together and you know it helped so many people from medicinal benefit and I think that as you know some of the laws do change and they start to really dive into it from a medicinal standpoint I think it’s gonna be even other things that you know we’re going to find out that cannabis is is great for for helping people you were instrumental and had a very important conversation with the late great David Stern before he passed but that conversation I think opened up a lot of eyeballs on the NBA side I know both you and I were both flying back talking to the NBA and the mbpa about studying the plan and understanding the plan instead of just Banning the plant but talk to us a little bit how that interview with David Stern came about and and slowly after that interview things kind of started changing and then obviously in the bubble they stopped testing and then you know the rest is kind of History right yeah I give y the short version but main mainly I went to this uh thing called a milking conference in LA and you know obviously when I first got done playing you know you always we all kind of go through this point we trying to figure out what’s next right coaching has always seems like the most natural thing even podcasting like you know what you and you know stack have been able to do wasn’t even popular at that time you know what I’m saying so we were trying to figure it out and even though I had cannabis I was just starting the same thing I didn’t know how far I was gonna be able to take it so I’m at this milking conference there was a um panel where it was like you know it was David it was like the owner it was like the uh commissioner of the NFL it was like this company called I think Univision or something like that can’t it’s not Univision it was another one like that was like a gaming platform and I went to it and I saw David speak and the guy was pretty much telling us or telling everybody in the room how you know how technology going to take over sports like we see it doing today you know what I’m saying and this was like literally 12 years ago or even maybe 11 years ago so after I got a chance to talk to David and I just went up to him was asking how was he doing he asked me how was my knee which I was so surprised that he would remember that I was having knee problems but um you know I told him I was good I told him what I was working on and he was just like oh yeah he’s like I have a place in aen and you know I see people with cannabis all the time so I was like why let me give you you know Mom we have a conversation about it he said cool I went to New York I sat down I talked to him I gave him a bunch of products not as much products as I was issuing out in uh allar but I gave him like some CBD products because he said that he was having some aches and pains and stuff like that and we kept talking about it and then finally I talked to uh Maverick Carter and I was telling him I would talk to David about it he was like why don’t we try to see if you know David would be willing to talk to you on camera about you know uh the history of cannabis or just drugs in the NBA and you know what’s his stance really with the you know now that he was retired and now that there was so much information around cannabis he be willing to talk about it in an open form and we talked to him we went me and Maverick actually both flew to New York talk to him again and he was open to doing it so you know to your point Matt you know going into that conversation with him um you know I had like 25 questions that I was gonna ask him that was going to kind of steer him to you know talking about uh you know legalizing or allowing players to have access to canidates but like on the second question he had said it you know what I’m saying he was just like pretty much that all the information that I have been feeding him and stuff he was like he finally got to the point where he thought that the player should have access to it you know what I’m saying because the biggest thing I just told him was just like and as you in stack know all the athletes know is like you know we bust our ass in those games you know we really train our bodies for two three hours a day we only play you know anywhere from 15 to 30 40 minutes a game so after the games you know a lot of times we still wired we’re looking for ways to kind of Cal out calm ourselves down looking for ways to recover and you know a lot of times we always went to liquor right and we all know like there’s no you know medicinal values to you know liquor for athletes or just for anybody but I was like you know I told him I said what if you allowed us to use cannabis you know what I’m saying where you know it naturally get uh gives us recovery uh benefits uh gets us to calm down allows us to get you know much better rest at night and like I said during that time you know we hadn’t had any players that was arrested or locked up for being high right you know most times you smoke and you sit on your couch and chill and play video games Y and he was just like you know that makes a lot of sense and you know once he said that to your point to me it changed everything you know I know that even at the time Adam Silva had reached out to somebody and said you know David must have been an investor into my company the fact that he said that but you know David had really did the research and um you know the rest is history you know what I’m saying now all major sports is allowed to use cannabis and I think that’s from all the hard work that you know not only me but a lot of others like you and stack you know have been doing for the years for the last you know 10 plus years yeah for sure so Dan when I was scouting when we were new players were using substances in college or whatever it was two different types when as a guy using cannabis the worry was is this a guy that’s going to be able to pass a test right we’re not worried about the use we’re just worried about the rules when it was someone who was a heavy drinker it was it was the opposite it was this guy’s a red flag because heavy drinkers tend to get injured more often take longer to get uh recovered and have other complications moving forward the other thing I was going to going to say was Al and stack you guys both came in 97 right first year I came in 98 98 do you do y’all know that didn’t used to test for marijuana before 9899 when I first came in the league it was it was one test at the beginning of the Season that was it the preseason yeah and training count the whole team got tested at once I was telling the story the other you off we would have joints or blunts rolled up knowing that you know when to hit our as soon as we got tested in in training camp everybody was ready to to kind of fire up but it was weird because I was talking to Pablo on on his show about a month ago and when I was in the drug program because you get you get three fails before it goes public and you get to admit yourself one time voluntarily so I got to luckily admit myself more than once thanks to the thanks to the home team but uh when I was actually talking to some of the guys they said more than half the league was in the in in the drug program for cannabis so over 200 plus guys were in the drug program for cannabis alone and I’m thinking to myself like man I know I I played in this playoffs with the Clippers where I did something in my shoulder couldn’t move my shoulder but they pped me full of Tor on and I felt super human or they’d give us all these other pills that would do anything but actually solve the problem they’d cause other problems but then wanted to take our career find us ban us some guys lost their careers whether it be NBA NFL over cannabis you know what I mean so I’m glad it just finally kind of came full circle and there was a lot of guys on that front line fighting that fight and now you were one of the main ones Dan correct addictive [ __ ] they was giving us for real Dan correct me if I’m wrong Alonzo Morning blames his kidney problems on the anti-inflammatories right yes yeah he was taking a lot of stuff like that Baron Davis I talked to him a long time ago and he thought 80% of the league was uh using it was like uh it was an Open Secret it wasn’t something I never heit it w hey Jack used to come on the plane with golden state with this brown Louis Vuitton bag and walked past all the coaches all the media smelling like a whole pound of weed and they didn’t give a [ __ ] but yo have you heard I’ve heard rumors you know what I’m saying I hope this don’t go viral but I heard rumors that there’s a third bus now for in the NBA for smokers not that they can have you guys heard that they can smoke on the bus I heard there’s a bu hold on just a second hold on a second time to throw away do journalistic credibility and get Reckless here is something we like to call rugless speculation you’re good you’re good you’re good go ahead now you’re reporting you’re reporting exclusively that the NBA that teams have a third bus that goes to the arena for smokers welcome to this heard welcome to this segment is the new segment we got Reckless speculations all right we got to respect that let’s go out to a call we go out to Stu gots on a mobile uh St doing a car phone first time long time love the show uh listen Anthony Edwards I mean seriously the comparisons to Michael Jordan like we skipped over Dwayne Wade we skipped over Kobe Bryant we skipped over LeBron J we went straight straight to Michael Jordan Anthony Edwards Michael Jordan for making it to the Western Conference semifinal how about make a Conference Final and then make an NBA final and then win that final and all he’s 22 all right uh what your guys thoughts I’ll hang up a all right uh your thoughts uh Al on where Anthony Edwards who he’s gonna be I mean I don’t know who he’s going to be I mean I’ve seen it when somebody asked him was he Jordan he was like nah he’s himself and it’s funny because like most times like I think of our era if anybody said compared any of us to Jordan we would be excited about it and I think that maybe he wasn’t as excited about it because he probably would have been more like he would have been more excited if you would have said Kobe right but I think that um I think the reason why the comparisons is coming out is more because of like his approach to the game the way the way he moves out there the shot selection that he’s taken and stuff like that is the reason why I think that uh people are comparing him to to your greatness or your aess but um he definitely got a lot of work to do to be really you know in that Jordan conversation but damn he is on his way and I don’t know who can stop him when you guys talk about Jordan and Kobe though they were competitive [ __ ] I have talked to uh Lakers uh who have told the stories of Kobe would test you to see if you’d be willing to fight him that that was the way that that he would do that I don’t know that Anthony Edwards I think everyone thinks he’s a killer but I don’t know if he’s a competitive [ __ ] no I don’t think he I don’t think he’s a competitive [ __ ] and it’s just his mentality that’s like Jordan and Kobe we don’t we haven’t seen the best player on the court um decide to go at the best play on other team at the end of games we haven’t seen a guy at the magnitude that he plays at and the role he plays at on that team to be the guy that’s taken all the challenges on both ends of the court so we seen that with Kobe we seen that with Mike so that’s the comparisons I don’t think is more too much the game wise yeah it’s just accolades it can’t be accolades too early in his career it’s just mentality he has that mentality of Kobe and LeBron and that’s what we all want to see from Superstars Al you played for the for the Pacers for eight years eight seven years uh second time was kind of short because he got in trouble yeah yeah stat got yeah stat got me traded man I went and [ __ ] built a house and all that and then stack decides to go shooting at a club and then I had to get package with his ass we all had got gun license the week before that so it was I just was able to use mine we all had gun I just knew what my gun license was for y’all didn’t know at the time he ruined it go listen man I went and built this nice beautiful house man just it was amazing I lived in it for one week and got me traded like velvet walls too remember didn’t you take you remember that with two t everywhere was kind of ignorant you know what I’m saying but you know got I want to hear more about walls they the whole house the whole house taking Jeffrey had velvet walls and that is a true story the whole house had velvet walls no just certain rooms certain rooms at velvet walls I’ll explain to you about it later don’t worry about it God what H what do you have what kind of feeling do you have for the Pacers now before we let you go uh are you are you emotionally tied to them in any way and are you are you are you invested in what’s presently happening so I’ll be honest so grew up a dead Nick fan um draft night when I got drafted um you know I was supposed to go like whatever in the lottery top 15 flid to the 25th pick the Pacers picked me my mom so I’m out in the hallway of the restaurant we at all upset because I’m not knowing who’s gonna draft me my sister come out like yo you just got drafted I run in it’s the paces first thing I do is say to my mom I’m like I gotta play with Reggie Miller she’s like I know right so we but I will say like uh you know being play for the Knicks and for the Pacers you know what I’m saying obviously the Indiana holds a special place to my heart um you know I’m not as invested I would say is because they don’t really do a good job of like bringing ex players back and allowing us to be a part of the community like that the Knicks actually does so because of that you know what I’m saying I might be just slightly rooting for the Knicks more but you know what I’m saying but Indiana always hold a special place in my heart for sure man they the ones that gave me my first shot and I had a lot of great years there yeah they gave me my first deal I’m real cool with the uh assignment but not so much the you know team organization yeah it’s kind of weird you think they would bring us back we go out we go out again to Stu on a mobile uh go ahead Stu why why why aren’t you in here hey guys this is uh Mike on a mobile phone first time long time Matt bares I love you dude Zach love you uh listen I pre-ordered uh stach’s book uh st’s personal record book stat and one of his big arguments is Kevin Durant has never won a ring the Warriors run uh they won one before him they won after him they didn’t need him he was a luxury therefore in his personal record book uh he has no championship rings I’m interested uh from two guys who played in the league the association if you guys are greate against St St personal record book listen love mat Matt barnes’s response was a muttered Jesus uh so you can elaborate if you like I mean I think you you know you to be able to separate the the the person and the player I I think Kevin Duro go down as one of the greatest players and they definitely needed him during those runs uh the way he was playing finals MVP but it to me it always kind of baffles me how KD takes so much you know obviously they were got you know lost a 3-1 lead and went to the team to beat him but Durant or excuse me but LeBron went to Miami and to learn how to win from dwade and was able to get two championships there and that’s never really brought up but of course Kevin’s two rings with the Warriors are brought up so it’s kind of unfair to me but I think at the end of the day when we’re looking back 20 years from now 15 years from now you’re looking at how many rings that they get and you know the ring to me the ring the Rings count I uh thought your first answer was better by just muttering Jesus under your breath with great with great with a great deal of disgust uh Al good seeing you thank you for uh joining us appreciate the time plug the website yes plug the website I’m sorry before get out yeah viol viola on Instagram do you guys make towels for all the sweat you uh accumulate during interviews yo it’s crazy right y’all made me nervous man this platform got so big man I pa I can’t you know what I’m saying I got hey yo hey I told hey Al was one of the first dudes Al was one of the first dudes on the AO in the paws I’m trying to tell you he started yeah early on I was saying that earlier uh they had him losing his hair in the eighth grade I thought I thought it was third well still got happen took some calls huh we did we did take some calls while you were the second one was excellent oddly oddly Eerie kind of sound you have brothers or dad Mike was a big fan of yours M I know stots yeah what you guys think I mean Durant I I ordered mine mine seem kind of weird but Matt I want you to imagine something Michael Jordan not being able to beat the Pistons and rather than coming back and trying to do it again with Chicago He joins the Pistons I mean huh crazy crazy crazy times crazy times what y’all think about uh Kendrick versus Drake you got to dig it you feel me you got to dig I love them both and I hope that this battle I think it first of all it’s good for the sport good for the sport I think that the Sport’s been on life support for a long time and I hope after this we’re still able to appreciate both their greatnesses and it doesn’t have to be either or cuz I think so often it’s if you like Braun you or if you like LeBron you don’t like Jordan Kobe you like Kobe you don’t like you know so everyone makes you kind of pick a side but I I I I’m a big fan of both of their music and I think what they’re doing now is great and I applaud Drake for bringing Kendrick out because you know as Kendrick fans we always want to hear more Kendrick and we don’t get a ton of it but you definitely get to hear a lot of it now I like both of them I’m a fan of both but Kendrick is winning the battle I have no problem saying that I ain’t friends with neither one of them I don’t know neither one of them so I don’t expect both of them to call me and say thank thank you for saying I want I’m I’m not like that I love I’m a I’m a fan of Hip Hop you know what I mean and I rock with both of them but in my opinion Kendrick is taking off of this battle Yeah Drake had it for like 10 minutes bro on Friday that I like okay bam Kendrick with the BT goam so yeah bro I think Kendrick definitely up right now he put out the sad song last night Drake put out the one I don’t I would feel wav the White Flag you feel me talking about he he might he about to stop because I don’t like all that bro you you called the monster too much getting exposed you did me come on man SE how you feel about like 17 diss tracks coming out in the spendable a week man whereas like when we were growing up it it would take a while before the next response came out they would space him out yeah I mean I mean I think if you get as personal as possible you don’t have to make 17 say what you say be as as disrespectful as possible on that first track you know what I’m saying I’m talking about go low as possible so when Michelle goes high you’re going lower yeah I’m I’m not even thinking about going high I’m going lowest I want to go low w low man wins yeah I’m thinking about doing the diss track about even a right now right now it’s coming stay tuned I like I mean this arguably I mean time will tell but this is arguably the the the the greatest beef battle in in the history of you think so I mean jig man and N that was but I I mean like I said that was what 10 15 years 20 years ago and now it’s had some time to sit but I’m saying when we’re looking back 10 15 years from now we’re going to think about they were the two two top dolls was really going at each other’s nexts again and they gave us more to to to decipher from and and more songs to kind of play with the one thing it feels like only one song is going to stand the test of time though not like us is is kind of the song that came out of all this where it’s like all right that song we can rock to everything else was like shout out mustard yeah no you’re right I’m not mad look Juju said this is one of top five disc records of all time not like uh not like us yeah not like us when it because crazy because this what’s going to happen ain’t going to stop stop being Drake just because this don’t happen 10 years from now Drake still going to be putting out hits and it’s going to be following his ass the whole way so not like us going all especially on the West too bro come on this going to be a top five this song for sure must but it’s going to be the song of the summer too which sucks cuz normally Drake has something for the summer bro they were playing the saxophone in the Jazz Club to not like us bro come on in New York you got to know man that was big too cuz cuz Kendrick’s not really ever since you know good kid Mad City he has some Club bangers but he hasn’t necessarily had no Club bangers for a minute and when he dropped that with that and it was funny too cuz I was listening on the way to dinner I’m like damn this sound like a la baby and little did I know it was mustard it’s just it it got people out dancing and that that night it was in the clubs across the country playing so bro once I seen djck Des Sean Jackson walking across the oh yeah we back you know you know La you know C standing up right now I ain’t never seen the West Coast this United on one front in a long time I’m not going to lie everyone’s really proud to be from the West Coast right now and I’m a I’m a light-skinned Warrior but a Kendrick’s Kendrick got us right now I’m not going to lie to you yeah he holding it down you got to be a winner though hell yeah man Dan Dan be trying his best to talk about the Kendrick lar and Drake be keep our press and pun your hand to he be trying he be having his friends on they be talking going back and forth look at Dan if fa is to Dan He coost with me I mean I still I conversation the co mod LL that was a good one man you you you all man I agree but but that was one of the first ones we seen top five for sure that was one of the first ones we really seen the earliest ones I remember was NWA versus Ice Cube yeah of course and then uh uh commet versus Cube Comm versus Cube yeah I remember that one biggest one out time the greatest one out time Fe J he just WIP that out the mouth I’mma tell I’mma tell you why I’m G tell you why that one was great because beyond the records he had the skits remember the skits J Rule Duets too J Rule duets with your favorite artists was that Alex Thomas doing those uh voiceovers I think so yeah he was he was uh doing the uh the the now this is What I Call Music volume 17 yeah look at djck there yeah Kendrick got the whole West Coast [ __ ] Walker right now and he got the football gloves on too yeah we’re running routes and [ __ ] walking big ass yeah no he got the whole West Coast filling it the Kendrick Lamar vers Drake beef is brought to you by 1800 Flowers save up to 40% off Mother’s Day bestsellers at800 flowers /an I didn’t know we were going with that one for a second that was a good one get in where you fit in somebody got I lost the read for a second Midway through Kendrick I was like where am I somebody going to need some flowers that when it’s over it’s over I’m nervous guys 6262 I mean it’s a good game it is a good game it’s hard to actually watch the game when we’re doing this [ __ ] nearly impossible I’ve been watching I don’t know about you guys I been loed in Miles Turner brought that uh weak ass jumper to New York York he bought it with him finally hit a three hit a three why is it weak he be throwing that thing hey BR he B it with him New York miles burner miles burner Smiles burner I’ll play this game all night with you man Smiles burner oh man that’s a good one 6464 man it feels like the Knicks are down like 25 it does does that make you feel confident that it’s even though they’ve been playing bad it’s tied or does that make you feel like oh man something bad’s about to happen I feel well no it makes me feel good because it feels like they’re down 25 and yet they’re tied but their defense is not I mean the Pacers have 64 points I don’t know if the Knicks complain to the hundreds back to one I’m cooking St why you get that TI FR B bro uh I found it in my house a man’s warehouse guy yeah got you’re going to love the way you look I guarantee it I guarantee it this is brought to you by 1-800 Flowers Lucy what’s going on at the Met Galla down there I gotta be honest I’ve been very disappointed with the fits they all look nice but they’re not on theme you that’s the whole point of the me Gala is you’re dressing for the theme these could be worn to any other event I will say cardi B killed it she has like 10 people who are in charge of carrying her dress around because it’s so large who was who was the worst dress so far tonight oh that is a really good question I don’t know a lot of boring dresses like they just showed Sabrina Carpenter I don’t think she was the worst dress but there’s a lot of boring ones 61 damn get well soon M Gala I think you forgot one obvious in your top 10 marijuana name list yeah Dr J I know damn it I know we missed an opportunity it was still great though I know I know but Dr J is such an obvious one man so bad no you’re they’re going they’re enjoying this we posted it and they’re they’re throwing a bunch of different Nam they throw some at you yeah some good one of the funniest things ever is whenever I have a friend who doesn’t like a player is then I start to notice every mistake they make so ever since stack sakam trash he’s been trashing he’s been trashing it’s a easy layup dude it’s crazy it’s like he heard you and he’s just proving your point he can’t hear me so he really showing who he really is right now his headband don’t even look the same no most since you said that yeah Cuban B yes Cuban B cubing be yeah Sax said he has six charges in a pickup game that’s crazy crazy on accident wasn’t he trying he wasn’t even trying to draw the to he was just running over me yeah if someone calls a charge on you in a pickup game I mean Rico called three of them unbelievable so who called the other three him jack did no I didn’t call him they didn’t call him he just ran over me oh good no call yeah R like come on Jack you took three already bro come on let pick up you [ __ ] the game up yeah you [ __ ] the game up but tell him to get another move it’s not working okay salute to everybody in the chat too by the way BCG we see you Jay harro you got to dig it Colin holder we see you brother brute you got to know jacobe Walker you already know what’s going on man good boy salute man guys if I played an entire NBA game now keep in mind okay oh boy oh here we I 6 thre here here we go but if I played an entire NBA game would I hit a single three-pointer because I believe that I would M what do you mean no one’s going to guard me Sten what do you mean get down court and I don’t see that happening they’re going to be close enough to you really I would just elbow you one time hard early in the game just to let you know if you do make a shot I’mma slap you right so I think that will kind of just have you shook the whole time huh it just seems like you going to go for every fake in the books though yeah well I just have that feeling but I’m just saying a wide open three like the ball’s rotating the defense is rotating you know it’s going from Steph to Clay and then and they’re in the corner yeah no I think I’m goingo Sho over the double team leave you open speaking of what the percentages might be higher Dam speaking of what Matt is saying there let’s go ahead and play Tyrese Maxi uh Tyrese Maxi let’s I can’t it’s got a little bit of speak tyres Maxi that’s I want to play this sound of Tyrese Maxi and and have them tell oh wait wait wait wait wait don’t do it don’t do it I’m G say you right now brother that is my brother from the cow boys that is not tyres Mai don’t even pull that up don’t even play I’m saing from embarrassment from YouTube okay what happened there I thought it was what happened the that’s that’s how good of a friend I am you text me that was Maxi and I was like a I’m not going to correct Dan in the text message but now you going to bring it here and that’s brother from the uh the Cowboys y’all need to stop being nice to Dan man why you need to just tell him tell him at the time he changed my damn life I’m trying to be nice to his ass every time I get talking about give a damn hell you talking about ju the hell you talking about hey are these Mescal margaritas uh no oh okay quvo quvo little Mees calish taste we in we in the Mec game uh mecal anos you know what I’m saying we G let you guys have a different uh tequila sponsor forgive me for stepping on my qu out shout out to quo yeah shout out to quos and 1800 Flowers mixed with some uh fruit juice yeah shout out to them boys we’re not talking about this game at all by the way what was that music what was happening there I thought you wanted to we wanted to do a little segment with the black box we did mhm I’m sorry what’s the music I don’t decide that the music decides that it’s just music is there any Imaging nothing it’s just the Black Box don’t give me freestyle Juju I got to reach in here and grab something and the questions are for Matt and for Sten or for all of us for Matt St would you would you fight a UFC heavyweight if you got 50,000 for every second you lasted in the cage no Stephen Jackson would you fight a using heavyweight if you got $50,000 for every second you lasted in the cage I need my face I’m black we don’t do good with cages these guys got money though I think I would do that I’m broke I I’m my ass I can run right every second man I I can run around the cage for about 10 seconds I can run for a good yeah 10 1500k let let’s ask it again you’re broke would you do it yes it’s a different question I’m going back to the blackbox stack do not shake your head no you’ve done worse things yeah and and and and they work I without taking the ass whipping so I’m going back to that without taking the ass whing yeah and it works I proof back to the block yeah exactly I like this question better it’s going to make you go through your phones make a super group for MC’s out of the contacts in your phone oh no man they got real contacts in their phone rappers make a super group what do you mean that’s the reason that the questions in there I would assume we’re not they’re not volunteering it we’re asking this is the look Louie exercise I mean they’re not they’re not volunteering it we are forcing them to the black man respect the Box all right respect the Box the Box what yall got you got in your phone I got OG’s in my phone I ain’t really got no currents got I got uh Lil Wayne um I got bunby snoop snoop and um the other biggest name I got is Jus that’s a damn good for man God damn oh what happened you didn’t want him to answer the question and now you’re all lightheaded cuz I knew it would happen cuz I knew it would happen boy lightheaded the game uh is tied have you guys do you guys have any opinions about what it is that’s happening here I don’t I’m not looking at any stats I don’t know who’s making shots I think Indiana’s playing well I don’t think the Knicks are playing well yet but the fact I think we talked about this earier the fact that they’re still in the game is is definitely home court and a solid sign for them it seems like they’re doing that with some offensive rebounds as they often do I’ve seen when I’ve seen a lot of Second Chance uh shots and that is uh you know something New York has fallen in love with this team because it’s got some of that grit you like it’s blue blue they love har man he’s got 10 rebounds already they don’t really think they gonna win because they won together in college do they I think they think they’re going to make the Eastern finals yeah I think they think they going to win because they won in college together with those three guys you think they think they’re winning the entire thing well I think they real confident yeah as a team talking about those three guys we won in college together I think we can win here again you know what I’m saying that’s they really think like that not a bad way to think I hate to bust their bubble but they really think like that so you don’t agree with that I definely you guys we have huge breaking news from the me Gala Zinda had a second look a second dress both of them killed also I have an answer to JuJu’s question earlier lizo wor stress oh my God it’s not a good look for her she did have a big ass hat on like the foreigner like a top Italian kid from Delware it wasn’t like a hat though it was part of the dress so I I have a question when why why did that become so big that part yeah that party thing where everybody dress up it’s like a big like Vogue annual event that you’re only like invited to and they do it so it’s themed with the Met every year so this year’s theme is like Sleeping Beauty like fashion in time so it’s like the biggest fashion night of the year so what made it that though what made it big an A witor in Vogue they have done it for years and it just became this like big cultural event it’s one of those things where you have to be invited to and there are specific things you can do that will get you Uninvited for life it’s a very just the who’s who I don’t really care about who’s there but the looks are so fun can jack go there in a black C suit no cuz I’m not spending no money on none of that trash oh you got to spend money to go there but I’ve heard you say I’ve heard you make fun of Matt because he doesn’t uh quite uh treat uh spending money on clothes the way that you do no we we totally different he West Coast sou I wear flash stuff Matt going to be clean no logos no nothing Taylor he more tailored than me I I I like to look good and wear flash stuff sometimes you could go to the Met it’s not with on you they want want you I’m I’m I still dress like a ’90s dope boy so they wouldn’t let me at the met with no Dicky Su see I got di right but the sky dweller goes hard though thank you very much appreciate you fam come on my jersey somebody get my jersey some to John qu man you got the dig it man come on who that number 30 who number 30 Stewie come on man come on man respect on the season about to kick off too I’m talking about this week you got to know you need to lock in we got to get in yeah Juju we need your expertise there we need uh you know it’s not a coincidence that all of a sudden Lucy reemerges after three weeks the moment Caitlyn Clark starts playing again that’s play well first quarter yeah she went crazy qu they they were talking trash to second half was a little tough bro they talking about Caitlin went gonna be able to transfer her game to the wmea sh look like Scooby snatch to me B bro thanks poppy how you doing back there tough you’re doing tough tough you’re hanging tough we we didn’t have your microphone on I don’t know why they don’t TR well they just don’t trust you they don’t trust you to cursing on your show me the robes they didn’t show me the robes you know I understand what do you do you have any opinions on the on the basketball game that you’re watching or you do you well you know I like the butcher anyhow so you know I I’m rooting for the butcher not for new yor for the butcher he says Tom Fido looks like a butcher that if you put a bloody apron on him he never Smiles that he looks man a few words you know he hates the press conference after every game right a butcher yeah I don’t feel like I want to just skip back skip past Matt offering by way of just detour uh that one time I almost fought Doc Rivers yeah I like how move right past it he didn’t say he didn’t say fought he said whooped doc Riv his ass is what he said I would have whooped do but I like Doc I would have fought him if I was on a team when he signed gave Austin Rivers that contract I would have fought everybody stack can I say it now hell y’all thinking fought everybody can I say it now step that’s who he was yelling at during the game that’s who he was heckling Austin Rivers who you were Doodles stain hey Matt Matt we’re front row media credential media row you know how Clipper games during the dead balls it’s not like the Laker game we got that buzz it just gets quiet like a summer league game stack just yell out you’re trash absolutely Austin’s right there and and I said it in capital letters I said it in Cap all caps oh boy I’m not even mad it was crazy that happened but if I had a son and he was you know kind of struggling that at that time Austin was bouncing around and he gave him another look and the thing that was funny to me was doc said that he was against signing him and everyone else in the organization wanted to sign him and that that was bullsh wait a second but I wasn’t mad he I mean if I if I had a chance to get my son $35 million like you got think he got more than me JJ and Jamal and we were guys that were really out there I should have jumped play playing and and and kind of pushing the you know pushing the bar for that we believe team but it’s business decision I’m not mad I mean uh Blob City team I’m not mad it’s a business decision were either of y’all on the team when Blake did that video I think y’all were at Philly during shoot around and he started person this what Austin looked like oh yeah and he started doing the stut throw that [ __ ] ass floater yeah that [ __ ] was funny he Blake is real funny actually shout out Blake Griffin man he just reti he goes in the stand up bro I hope he goes so so stack when beginning of the year we went to the comedy club uh the comedy uh store in La and we had the comedians do our uh basketball preview for the show and we asked them who’s the funniest NBA player and they all said Blake Griffin Blake is fun Blake’s like Blake could do stand up for real is what they all said he’s done stand up before but he’s just a funny dude oh Jesus Blake in his time was you got to think he was on every single commercial on TV mhm there are a lot of reverse dunks in this game by the Pacers to OB man flat foot Miles Turner renge game for OB there’s a lot of stuff happening at the rim for the Pacers Mitchell Robinson is doing Mitchell Robinson type things I mean so was it a knee injury that slowed him down cuz I know he was on Pace to be really good at one point it was his ankle right for the ankle he had hurt of dunky’s back he’s wearing a wrap he’s wearing a wrap on on the whole left is that 33 to3 is that bench points yes 33 to3 Pacers bench points dece me bride messing up Thursday Thunder last week too dog I apologize to America dog I had two two out of three for the last 10 weeks OB showed out too right him and TJ m how many many how many points does McConnell have he’s got a lot of stuff at The Rim are you guys annoyed by him like what who are the guys you play against that that’s why they losing cuz TJ McConnell got double digits Jesus Christ and it’s all yeah he’s got 16 points it’s all around the ring yeah come on now bro 16 yep cut it out bro play defense I mean Obie top it is nine that’s the big thing on Jaylen Branson though as great as he is on the offensive end he be a Turn Style you feel me yeah look at TJ there go another one Rim it’s everything’s do at The Rim it’s TJ McConnell at The Rim uh oh look at st’s body language he just I just heard a sound that sounded like a small animal being killed it’s concern Dan that’s what it is that a burp or a TJ McConnell from Indiana he has to be right nah he’s from I think he’s from like Pittsburgh or something like that he oh oh my God oh my God I told you Revenge game he just went through his legs East Bay Funk in the playoff game there he is white Dante where’s TJ from BR Obi going hey between his legs on a fast break from Pittsburgh Michael Ryan got a Top Shot with ob to you want to get rich by Mike Ryan Obie top and Top Shot Indiana Pittsburgh same oh God Obby toen on a fast break just went between his legs it’s a Revenge game for him tough finish by Dante there tough kid the Italian kid from Delaware uh TJ TJ McConnell oh did he got fouled he got fouled too they count it yeah they’re going to count ever since I talked about miles turn he uh but TJ TJ McCollin uh T TJ McConnell looks like he’s from Indiana even if he’s not from Indiana he looks like he should be from Indiana here it is here’s this this that’s tough Jesus that’s disrespectful right you can’t you can’t let a guy do that has that ever been done in a playoff how was it dis you got to stop that [ __ ] what you mean imagine if Oak was playing I mean disrespectful that was crazy I’ve never seen one in the playoff game Run and hit that back foot and it’s not and not dur not during damn damn just tap it a littleit just back you got to hit it just tap it oh boy it’s going to be all [Laughter] bad that’s how we do it brought to you by 1800 Flowers oh God uh if you do not buy flowers for your mother easy easy let me see what you’re going to say here nothing with the sheets I mean save up to 40% off Mother’s Day bestsellers at 1800 danan I’m going to [ __ ] under your pillows that’s better I’m okay with that okay with that that’s better than wetting up their sheets I don’t know where that moisture was going it just lemonade it was just from the fridge I don’t didn’t say lemonade I mean it just I it was really the discomfort of the sheets that I was going for nobody likes no I mean come on now guaranteed to have sh*tty dreams we’re going into a fourth quarter here stug I just gave him a point like Hew me best [ __ ] jokes yes the two of you that’s the highest honor Ste the point Ste running back up the court good pass bro oh my goodness man you nervous to guys of course I’m nervous I’m a Nick fan I mean the Pacers no one cares in Indiana you know they win they lose no one cares tomorrow all the Nick fans who have built that up to be this the biggest thing in town they will call the real WF tomorrow morning Boomer and Geo and they will bail on next so quickly if they lose this game that’s what sports radio is all about but you have confidence do you not I mean fourth quarter no fourth quarter home you seen TJ McConnell I mean he’s cooking fourth quarter at home if you believe in your team you’re not scared what is it a fivepoint deficit yeah fivepoint game it’s the amount of points they’ve given up I mean 87 but that’s how the Pacers play like I know but that’s not how the Knicks play so the Pacers are playing their game playing the pace they want to play and the Knicks aren and that concerns me Turner’s got 22 siakam’s got 11 McConnell’s got 16 those are the only people in double digits and then brunson’s got 22 Hart’s got 17 uh hartenstein the third greatest Nick ever got 13 and then divon Chen’s got 19 Nick’s only got three points from the bench and know it’s a problem then that’s I mean I brought that up earlier I mean if this you know the the minutes that the core group has to play right has to you know cuz they’ve been playing this way the whole season that that has to catch up to you at some point and they lost uh big bogy for the season uh he got foot surgery uh boan banovic he was a big piece and big relief I feel like can come in and he gave you right score too is a good score you feel me for who for the New York kns oh hell yeah are you just realizing they got bonovich they got him at the trade heard anyone say that stat is it like looking in the mirror right now yes it is I’m so proud but it’s not that he doesn’t know he’s saying I’ve just never heard anyone talk that way he’s big I never heard anyone say he was a piece with all due respect hey yo but I might be yeah okay yeah we could turn it that way because the other way didn’t make no sense either it’s not that he didn’t know that he was a Nick he’s saying he’s not respecting him as a scorer the way that you are yeah I didn’t I didn’t I missed that one I missed that one I like his commercials though commercials are dope bovich yeah he’s got a lot of them what commercials oh wait wait no I’m no you B yes forgive me I haven’t seen those the one you’re talking about is the killer the one from Detroit yeah not from Atlanta Yeah Yeah from Detroit forgive me forgive me now he’s a killer that was that was a that was a good on my boy’s name okay yeah my bad I thought you were talking about uh the big dude that’s the b b the guy that was in The Matrix or John John Wick John Wick John Wick yeah Ma I hope hey I hope I hope Tobias Harris got like a 10year deal with them chips cuz he gonna need it Juju put it on the pole please would the Matrix have been better if boban had been in it because I do I do believe he would yeah forgive me forgive me yeah the the bo bo bobgan what’s his last name b he’s nice I like his game stretch I really thought that was uncommonly disrespectful I was like damn dud pretty good understandable with bowan though yeah more well because no one has ever described boan as a scorer really confused I haven’t smoked since this morning so I couldn’t even blame it on the weed it’s the it’s the margarita how are you are you liking that one better are you liking cuz you like all of them are good I can’t believe y’all ain’t never had no spicy Margaritas man I don’t do spicy you don’t eat hot wings I barely do spicy food now I just don’t I think Matt has the one the Crickets in it I could oh this top them sitting threes now they might be in trouble unbelievable no I don’t really do spicy like in 2014 with the Clipper team you guys remember when Fireball was out of course DeAndre Jordan had a costume party one time and someone got me I dressed up as Prince and someone got me in a picture of drinking Fireball and and Fireball sent me like 10 boxes with like 20 bottles in it and it took me like a year and a half to drink but I drank all that stuff and it tore my esophagus up Fireball that’s bad decision making nothing hot no more because that that motor oil I was drinking that’s the bad stuff though like that’s not good used to taste like big red gum my parents used to chew big red used to tast like a bottle of big red that was all bad boy the bench scoring is now 42 to3 crazy we don’t have a bench then B band’s out thib biibs plays everybody 40 he’s gonna Josh Hart doesn’t he play 46 minutes a game yeah he’s he’s leading the playoffs all I know is T.J McConnell’s looking like who’s a who’s a Great White Hope him yeah right bonovich nine for 15 for 18 points but I was asking you guys a guy a guy whose game that you ran into that would do things like McConnell where you’d be like this is just annoying this doesn’t this shouldn’t be happening jery Lynn during Lyn sanity unbelievable I was there with the Lakers I guarded them Kobe guarded them Ron guarded him fish guarded him he busted all our ass I was just like this can’t be real something’s going on right now as he was busting something’s going on right now this is not real poppy uh we love you you’re leaving it looks like you’re getting up to to leave save me some beans and rice hell effort Gonzo uh you you you carried us today uh good seeing see you later poy good seeing you he was going to try and leave without saying goodbye my father does I gave him the option of the leave easiest way because you always got to say goodbye to so many people I like Poppy’s way just sneak out the back I gave him I gave him just a hey you know if you want to get out of here he’s like okay see you guys later what’s going on in the Panther game z z still second period Jesus this the second round of the yep second round Y and we’re supposed to win this series but Boston’s a little scary so game one just feeling it out in Boston or in this one’s in Florida yeah up by my house about two hours from Chris wants to be there he’d prefer to be there oh much so I sold my tickets today for this but this is it this is all you get I’ll miss one home game that’s it you okay that’s a fine I like the sacrifice that is a fine do do you do you still carry do you still carry cash that costs uh that costs a dollar you ow $1 for coughing coughing into the microphone a it’s a it’s a fine do you carry cash no I got a cash app you st says it always works put it on my tab that makes an extra dollar you get an extra dollar when you don’t have the money just throw your tie in there too do that that should cover that and the next 10 costs oh wait a minute I got a 10 for you you got to respect you pay me back when I uh when I coach video you right there you go he’s got on a dub stack right there Matt you have to let me coach one game mad Panther scor go uh who that is kachuck the Chuck sler man uh this question was I guess for J.R Smith but uh he is not here if you had to throw a bowl of soup at someone what kind of soup would it be he did throw I think tortilla soup at an assistant coach one time uh I throw a bowl of [ __ ] at Mo Cheeks bowl of [ __ ] bowl of of [ __ ] soup at Mo Cheeks you almost fought him too didn’t you didn’t you almost fight him he was a jerk he was a I like Doc I don’t like Mo at all what happened Mo’s an [ __ ] just early in my career like he was the head coach I remember the one time firmly and and we were in DC and AI cussed him out like [ __ ] just cuz you got a suit on don’t make you a coach I was just like oh my God in in in there but then I wasn’t getting a chance to play that much so I was working on my game outside of practice staying after coming early shooting coach everything and he came in the gym one time and laugh like why are you working on your shot you’re not going to get to shoot that here I’m like damn what coaches say to players and then in went practice I was on the second Squad third Squad and I got in hit a shot and he stopped practice to try to embarrass me you don’t shoot the ball here you passing that was enough tried to chase after him see Webb grabbed me but luckily cooler heads prevailed um but yeah I don’t [ __ ] with Mo cheek so I throw a bowl of [ __ ] in MO cheek face just cuz you wearing a suit don’t make you a coach that [ __ ] was tough that’s legendary especially coming from AI I know people like to throw tomatoes at people so I throw some tomato bis in Scott Sky’s face that’s when you was in Milwaukee Jack was on the rap tour when he played for the Buss like a clown with all that makeup all on his face a large bowl of to Tomato bit too not the half size I want the big bow he does look like a clown not wearing makeup he does he does so does Frank vogle he does Frank so does Matthew Barry so does Nick nurse oh Barry caught a straight there what happened personal friend of mine that’s the original that’s the original clown who doesn’t wear makeup who’s running a balloon shot personal friend of mine how many five-year-olds could you take in a fight if they swarmed you all at once where they from where they from Indiana I know some I know some 5year olds in third W Texas that you probably want to run up singular singular one one would kick my ass hey man they got cases and all that already in five smoking cigarettes full of Sil teeth tattoos silver teeth I know two fiveyear olds got keys to the house already so I don’t know if you want to mess with this sta where do you think Skyles is from SC Skyles is probably from uh uh what’s that Plantation of on uh off Django what happened with you and Skyles what happened he just a jerk that don’t know nothing about basketball that that obviously whatever drug that he was on and he couldn’t do while he was in practice he was he went through withrawal every day in practice seemed like like he just had an attitude towards everybody hold on a second hold on a second time to throw away all journalistic credibility and get Reckless here is something we like to call Reckless and speculation you’re good yeah he he was on something I don’t know what it was but he was on something and he just had he just had this this sh*tty attitude every day at practice and and nobody liked it and and it was it it got contagious to where we just losing he didn’t have he didn’t have a positive bone in his body and he just blamed it on everybody else and I didn’t like I didn’t let that go because he had a lot of young on the team and they didn’t understood they didn’t understand what a what a positive coach and what a good coach was look like he was a bad example Dan I cannot cosign the part about Scott scy not knowing anything about basketball I don’t know stack play for him y I don’t know but him being a negative dude that made brought everybody down that is universal everybody who’s ever played with or worked with Scott Skyles says the same thing that dude will gr like it’s just it’s it’s not even about grinding and working hard it’s literally what stack said it’s negative negative energy and all he had was one good game with 20 assists in his career and he holds on to that whatever it was one good game dog ass time one game hold on there’s two things one is that he had the 36 game two was he fought Shaq in practice he’s lived off of that one forever he didn’t back down and he tried to fight Shaq in practice I don’t know what happened so he would have [ __ ] jack up then that’s what you’re saying to mean hold on now these [ __ ] hey that’s when Jack was doing concerts though hardenstein was that was that I stopped traveling with the team and St promoting my uh mixtape jaff was doing mixtape class I com to practice of nothing I remember I came in there with the Lakers that’s what me and Kobe met you in the uh club in Milwaukee I was you trade me I’m like then I’ll come to practice when I know I’m traded that this is the the uh the black trade days in Milwaukee yes exactly exactly those was good times that was good times in Milwaukee and I was on a team I named Milwaukee Trill walk now I know these Margaritas are going down like they love it I need another one actually when are we going to the smoker section yeah after G hey they made one for us shout out Dan The Green Room is ours literally he man hey man hey man if you guys want to go back there and smoke out uh we go ahead into the Green Room smoking room for no they don’t have a smoking room it’s the Green Room that’s where they go to be green you guys want to go back there and smoke out looking ass we have another quarter uh we’ll be professional we’re going to need you back no we’ll just just come back here with five minutes left if you want you watch we also have headphones and microphones we can get you microphones back from the Green Room yeah yeah go ahead that’s tempting that’s tempting go ahead go ahead if The Show Must Go On can can can you see us while we’re back there too damn I need to tell my girl to go my stuff real quick I have tree do you I have no papers though Rollins that’s that’s they got papers for you let’s get it God damn it it’s like how high Don’t force me remember how high I like that ba Method Man had the tree but red man had the paper come on Dan Dan Dan I think you should go I think we can hold it down here me Su gots Mike not Mike he’s going big guys never mind ste’s like wait I can’t I can’t I can’t hold that how do they not let you in I smoke just wait till it’s rolled up then pop over there I will just’s a quick one two in the uh just stand always to the left by the way for for long need a heater for long time listeners of the show I just want everyone to know that Taylor’s out there he’s dying he is dying a slow death out in the uh common area yeah lot of stress man carrier me they’re down four to the Pacers at home Pacers have 94 points in the fourth quarter absurd is Dan going to smoke no he’s not there not there’s no smoking it’s a no smoking facility Ste as you know that’s why you got to you got to cross go outside you go outside you cross the street to smoke a cigarette you’re right man got what’s your stress level right now one to 10 it’s pretty high I don’t want to lose game one at home like the fans will turn on the Knicks like I just it’s the Pacers I’m losing to TJ McConnell and Obi toppen you know what I’ve realized the last few years as a fan as a fan in the playoffs I like the first two games on the road because it’s like I just need to get one of these whereas if you’re at home to start a series it’s like I have to go two and much pressure like there’s there’s like last year the Panthers we were the eighth seat so we were on the road every play it was such a nice feeling of let’s just get one of these first two and then we get to go home Chris you know the crazy thing home court advantage really doesn’t matter until game s then all of a sudden you’re like [ __ ] I’m glad I have home court advantage up until then like you said first two on the road I don’t need to win them two I just need to win one like the Pacers they know if they get one in New York that’s that’s all they needed stug got a question for you as a longtime Nick fan how do you feel about John Starks being all over the TV screens all in the videos going two for 18 in game seven well no but no I’m talking about this year all of a sudden he’s at every game now I work with John Starks when I work for the Knicks right 20 years ago right 20 years ago I worked with him he’s been part of the organization for 20 years yes they’ve been to the playoffs in those 20 years right this year is the first time I’ve seen him at every game and they show him on TV every time he’s there with uh with Ying with some other guys I don’t I can’t get on Starks for that no I mean he’s a Nicks Legend a little bit little bit look at me louie though no I know but I mean I mean all these people at the game right now this is their first game huge three from Dante three from Dante ah the Italian Delware yeah Matt what’s going on in there man The Green Room I just saw white Dante hit that three that really big Juju can I use that name that’s the name you gave him I don’t want to steal it unless I have authorization you got to know I got that from bman Jones though so yeah he been he been calling that for a while okay we can we can handam me down that then where’ Stacks go I Don’t Know Jack is probably looking to add some mushrooms to his weed so he’s probably searching a little bit for that he’ll be here soon get some craa if you will that’s right d how bad do you wish you were over there so bad go over there right now I mean mushrooms ooh that’s got to be a goal 10 yeah okay it was Nicks are down one with uh a good game eight minutes to go it is a good game that [ __ ] must be gas mat cuz we can smell it in here already I believe it it is it’s from the West Coast damn I don’t know if who should be more kind of obviously in the moment in the game but as good as Indiana’s bench is playing and they’re only up one oh my God is that M what is going on oh my God was that Smith oh forget what I was saying what were you going to say by the way saying as good as their benches playing cuz this happen every you know me and they’re still in a ball game like can this happen every single game and OB toppin went through the legs in this close ass game so n Smith couldn’t even play for the Celtics he didn’t get no time I remember that yeah and now and now he’s killing for the Pacers that that’s one of the things I love about the league is that you could see a guy in one place it’s fit yep and then transfer them somewhere else all of a sudden they went from like dmps to fixtures on a playoff team that’s winning a a game one you that’s tough it’s it’s all about fits and opportunities I mean I mean a lot of these guys can play but you know unfortunately not everybody can get on the court so you just need the right opportunity and a coach that believes in you and allows you to play through mistakes a lot of times younger players don’t get a chance to play through mistakes so if you’re allowed to play through mistakes but coaches didn’t understand that’s going to happen obviously that’s going to add to your confidence Matt how long did it take you to get to be a rotation player that Golden State team no you was a rotation player before that well I mean I it l when in sack when I was in sack I was a rotation player but I got traded with web to Philly and then I didn’t play for almost two and a half years in Philly so Golden State you know after that little sack run was the first time I was really really in the mix he dunked on him yeah Robinson ain’t been the same what did he he got a was it a knee injury a foot injur ankle okay cuz I remember a couple years ago he was a monster what did y’all think of about the uh the uh Joel embiid saying I was trying to protect myself when he pulled Mitchell Robinson down full of [ __ ] okay thank you are you guys tired of embiid cuz I I love embiid I think he’s a hell of a talent yeah but it’s always like somebody else’s fault it’s never Joel embiid’s fault it’s always someone else there’s a lot of guys in the league that are stars that are like that though for being honest name a few mats I’ll pass pass it to Stephen is he rolling joint right now as we speak favorite favorite uh way to consume weed this way this way I think uh I’ve been a joint and I was a blunt smoker for a long time but joints I’ll dabble with edibles but I kind of just enjoy the process of getting there you know they say trust the process in Philly I know the process of what it’s going to take me to get to where I need to be with the joint everything else is kind of a gamble so what’s what’s that one is it called a volcano or whatever the one where they heat it up into a bag volcano yeah what do you think about that one those that they say that’s the cleanest way to smoke so I’ve done that a little bit and I’ve you know gravity bongs and bongs a lot of different ways you know what it would it pick your poison but I’m more of just old school let me get there how I’mma get there with a nice Pace I’ll take a joint what about you jack your favorite way to get to your level uh blunt a nice a nice blunt stuff to the room about 3.5 GR in it damn damn hey yo to the Head yeah we don’t smoke we don’t smoke just paper or or or or smoke a lot of sharing either we smoke the whole thing that’s an eth of weed Jack I can’t get high sharing the blunt with nobody I got to have the whole thing exactly exactly I’ve been preaching that from the highest mountain top what kind of man is you you sharing blunts this covid-19 everything out here you throwing rocks at Co 20 just to hit somebody blun uhuh but you remember that used to be the the the part of the the the enjoyment of smoking in a circle with the homies was passing it around and getting high but yeah Co killed all that facts oh what’s where’s the best weed California California California more than Denver I would say California I’mma tell y’all right now man I was in Denver for the finals someone passed me a joint I took one hit and I’ve never been so high so fast in my entire life they could had PCP on that for all you know you wet out here damn I mean like to get wet could have got you slippery without even knowing you can’t never take a yo hey yo that’s a I said hey yo for doing it exactly you don’t know where the hell you could have ended from a stranger not from a stranger okay still though it was a stranger look how he said it it was a damn stranger look at his eyes it wasn’t a stranger I I knew who she was hey but she might have had a game plan you didn’t know about it mean you feel me game plan failed then 23 12 and seven for Josh har I might have to put him in my top five Knicks of all time right oh my God what a game he’s having hell of a game I’m with the UN Edibles by the way because like for me I like to get straight to it you know like I don’t drink 20 beers I do two shots at the kilo I’m drunk I’m hammered that’s it with the edible sometimes it takes yeah two shots at the Kil I’m getting old to but here’s the thing like I’m with Matt on this because with an edible sometimes it’s a half hour sometimes it’s an hour and 15 minutes you never know plus you never know if you took the right amount yeah that’s so I like you could not be filling it and then want to reup and as soon as you re up it’s lights out yeah right mask on creep silent yeah somebody somebody takes St to church you about to school what what did Gino say milligrams milligrams Mig well he’s rolling a joint with an eighth right now youo AR said that no one of our whole Bo Gino fent yes Gino FES is who they were he said that before Dan I heard him say that said Gino AR tell the P hey Dan could you make me another drink cuz whoever made my last drink oh my God that’s terrible oh the last drink suck oh that’s so goddamn strong and it’s what the other one was red this one is yeah cuz Dan know you did did a little bit of time in the in the blood organization this is this is allegedly allegedly no there’s no alleged there at all this is moonshine journalistic credibility and get Reckless here is something we like to call Reckless ulations you you’re good I just somebody just gave me some moonshine straight up straight moonshine we’ve run out of Margarita we didn’t bring we didn’t have enough because you guys you guys have gone through it pretty good I’m feeling good Dan I’m not going to lie this is what we do I I underestimated you my apologies we’ll do better next time just know we we came from this D this is this is this is how we used to be before we played nothing but the best yeah only you knew how Matt dad used to drop them off the school oh man that’s I don’t know if we can could tell that on TV what they call no basket no basket heart with the heart I’m I’m pilling the man bun braids either this flower being smoked is presented by one in 100 flowers 40% off Mother’s Day bestsellers at 100f danan nighttime Chris I mean I’m telling you Dan’s going to [ __ ] on your pillow if you don’t order if you do not get your if you don’t get your mother flowers I’m going to push your grandma over a damn he what Ste yo by the end of this we need a picture of uh Chris holding up the 100 side cuz this is his Wilt 100 point game no doubt you are on fire you’re doing better than I did against Tony on NBA Live earlier hey come on not possible I shot like 90% from the field against there was a glitch in that game I think Jon kid had 40 Josh Hart misses a lot of free free throws huh grabs a lot of boards got 47 boards right now A Team miss a lot of free throws as well good I was on stack right we’ve added Taylor to the back of this room wouldn’t on me you would have took a charge he wouldn’t be on that team you would took a charge he can’t fit he couldn’t fit on the team we was on there we was out there my God he ain’t got no felonies he needed that he ain’t got no felonies he got no felonies Jesus that headb got a felon mine got mine got expunged uh the Knicks have missed an unusual number of shots around the rim like just easy easy shots that normally go in like this uh this does I mean they’re 42% from three but you’re right how many people on the court are known scorers though uh just Brunson right now yeah OG score can score but he’s more of a a hustle energy guy that can score well I I don’t think of Josh Hart as a known scorer but he is averaging 17 points a game in the playoffs and 17 in the league is killing they need to go to that pick and roll hardenstein High pick and roll because that’s always open but they don’t trust him in the fourth quarter like they opposed to all of all of Haren Stein’s points in the fourth quarter are coming if he gets them himself by grabbing offensive rebounds they’re not doing anything for him I mean that’s the same for Josh Hart a lot of his stuff is off of hustle and offensive rebounds when he hit that three that big three against Philly he talked about after the game where he said the game plan he knew the Sixers defensive scheme was if hard shoot and let him shoot so he said when they rot we threw the ball to him he knew the rotation was not going to come to him and that gave him confidence to take that three know he’s going to be wide open wow yeah cuz no nobody nobody’s they’re not calling no plays for him so that’s the only way gonna get his buckets Big Shot Victory by Brunson Big Shot Pacers have four turnovers that’s it it’s good I can’t even imagine what it feels like to be Rick Brunson like your son is playing for the team that you on he’s killing that I already know Bruns going to shoot this roof is gonna come off this place look at everybody standing up Ben Stiller want to lose his oh fou yeah way to sell it Ben Stiller want to lose his mind right now hey what’s the most annoying celebrity y’all have ever interacted with during a game uh I you know what I’m not g to say annoying because I don’t really I don’t think I ever paid attention to none of them that too much for them to be annoying but I got a cool one give me the coolest celebrity you ever interacted with during the game Jack Nicholls for real Jack nich man man man just I had a great experience with him we was talk we was going back and forth against the Lakers I had 30 something points and I hit the two big threes I was going back and and forth against Kobe with threes at the end of the game and he pulled me going to the locker room and say hey Jack you was the better Jack tonight oh [ __ ] damn wow yo that might be the greatest hey and I and and I have the picture of me and him that night and it says Jack and Jack somebody framed it for me and made it for me well [ __ ] my story that was dope story I don’t have nothing for you guys that was dope I want to hear it anyway I’m pretty sure it’s funny mad story is like Papo he made yeah let me think that was a good story Jack I don’t I don’t even want to tell nothing I got to think of something first but that was too good to even tell that was you remember that game though gold state yeah yeah the Lakers we played the Lakers back to back nights and Kobe was going crazy we was up 20 a halftime they came back and we almost lost in their label would end up winning and that was we was trying to get to the playoff minute uh Stephen wait a minute are am me Juju and Tony laughing because he called him jack Nicholls what are you guys laughing about back no what are you guys laughing about back there laugh Jack Nicholson they no but they’ve just fall they’re not laughing at you they’ve just falling out of their chairs laughing at something yeah I guess it’s cu and I don’t know what it is that’s what I thought They’re laughing at me they’re laughing at me man you hey they can laugh at Jack no they’re not laughing at Jack we’re not laughing at Jack laughing at me not laughing at Jack at all I definitely [ __ ] it up no but they’re not but that’s my gu though that was my guy there’s the butcher Jack Nicholls now put me in the movie Jack I hope you hear doesn’t put me in the movie The Butcher he does look like a butcher he he he I mean there’s just no there’s no one in the league who looks more like a butcher D did joim Noah admitted to you when you had him on South Beach sessions which you could get wherever you get Podcast he would not admit it he he refused to admit it he would not say anything bad about thibs he thought that was something bad to say about thibs I told him the statute of limitations was up I gave him permission he wouldn’t do it is it thibs with the TH or that’s a good question is that too many Margaritas or laugh or have I been saying it wrong for the silent is the eight silent Dam I thought I was saying it wrong maybe maybe get some you got hey you got to have a list to say his name th thibs close game y’all what are we that was a great play there you go look still starberry in the building yes sir oh they took the lead right took the lead Indiana has played they going to spin go that’s the guy I’m mad at Marberry Marberry has not been in that building in 15 years man that’s cuz he’s been in China right he been in China the goat 71 got statue in China give it back weak ass spin [Music] move aim it hold it drop it in the in the face in the face 38 16 the Pacers have played a perfect game if they lose who they going to who they going they got no number one who they have nobody to get a bucket no nobody you saw him pick up the dribble like they got the foul call here but he picks up the dribble first right turn over by who Alberton come on baby it’s the playoffs man you got to take the shot you can’t turn it over you got to get an attempt he wants it though hold it aim it drop it Papa so proud dog that’s I that’s the every time every time I see him kill that’s the thing I think of all the time that Rick’s on that bench watching his son do that shout out Rick real one long long career for me but there’s nothing more that enjoyful in my life than watching my kids succeed at something they love and hooping it’s just like I trade that for my whole career so I can only imagine on the biggest level in the garden and your son is him what is CDE that’s that’s why it’s hard to make him the best that’s why it’s hard to make him the the best [ __ ] of all time like bro you ain’t going to your games no more that’s how you was dressing when you was a rookie still got it got little ass [Music] T jimy that’s what he look like The Five Heartbeats no like this I wish you want my SP play oh no that’s why they don’t run plays for him give that up broy Jesus that up good every possession has got to count Chris how the Panthers doing getting their ass kick feel like I’m letting them down being here what are they down 21 or 31 31 damn it was just one nothing them game’s over yeah in not over yeah game’s over okay o w o kick call that one that’s a good call that’s a good call it wasn’t a clean rip that’s a good call they G to review this that’s a foul H you just saying Gary Peyton out there now hack Street Boys oh I don’t know about I don’t know about that one I know let’s see let’s see let’s see super slow that’s ball what do you mean it’s ball that’s ball that’s what are you talking about wrist is part of the ball hand is part of the I never heard the wrist that’s foul that’s inside wrist wrist is inside wrist hey hey hey it’s an exception hey am mean I’m getting thrown out I don’t get I don’t get that call at this point in the game they throwing me out I’m going crazy for that call but what what if you was on defense huh if you was on defense and you did that I’m going I’m getting thrown out both ways Jack night was ending at the 143 Mark regardless regardless straight up I better get it so have you guys ever had a live stream with two of the guys you were live streaming with went in the green room and greened it up just one what if it was three go for it Juju our staff is in here presented by Coro yeah we got the all the smoke staff in yeah well we about to do a crossover right now JuJu’s on his way come on Juju got this ain’t our first time in do you so Juju Gotti for those that don’t know I don’t know hypochondriac might be too much of a word no that’s that’s about right that’s a perfect word but I try to protect him I was like you know he’s he would he would say he’s a he’s germ conscious he would say that what’s going to happen here they’re reviewing this that look like ball what well we can’t play it so we have to just read his lips they overturned it I’m looking at the Nick’s crowd I’m looking at Taylor hold on yeah Taylor’s dying over here they’re giving the Pacers the ball Y kick that’s a kick I told y’all the kick challenge the kick no they gave the ball to the Pacers that’s ridiculous I told y’all stack you would have been ejected for no reason nah it been worth it you was on defense yeah we got the ball back I want the car regardless I want to be right you w right the first time yeah cuz the referee’s never wrong High screen and roll here we go halberton see what I’m saying nah come on to n’s doing the penetration n’s doing the layup n’s winning this game for him come on man nart was taking them shots in college too though don’t forget and he been picking up full court I’m not sure about that mustache he got though kind of Ron jerish nothing wrong with the mustache Brunson ISO at the top cross TW behind the back right away wow why are you letting him go left bottom of the net it don’t matter where he goes nah send him right and jump right at his left hand he’s got 40 18 in as a Defender not going left nart this the goto that’s the goto see me me and you was right earlier he needs Zari STM everybody was tripping on us that’s a kick that’s a kick oh don’t even do that that’s a kick you can’t review that I can’t stand in the end of games now man uh hold on a second though if he’s arguing that vociferously you sure he kicked that like it looked like it to me too but if he’s arguing like that what does that word mean aerous mhm oh no that hit his hand he threw it off his hand yeah no Foot Action I need an angle that went off his hand and they can’t do nothing about it they owe us a call oh yo Taylor just said please God Jaylen Brunson Jaylen brunson’s ice one at the Top Kicks tenzo wow oh my god wow that [ __ ] was deep that’s big yo is villain NOA about to win the NBA title you got to live with that bro you don’t want Jay I’d rather him shoot it than anybody settle down I mean you don’t the Pacers in the second round and win the N title him and heart either one I’ll be honest with you jack I I was going to say that you got to live with either one yeah I thought the rotation was slow but then on the replay no he was right up on him you got to make Jaylen give it up you got to make him give it up he just hit three in a row you got to make him give it up and he closed out closed out he’s right there big shot yeah big shot the pre-rotation is is crazy that’s that’s one of my favorite things on NBA defense is watching people pre-rotate because you got to kind of anticipate where the pass is going but at the same time you’re dealing with the greatest Shooters of in the world so basically pre-rotation isn’t even enough you have to be on the dude I would I I just I just think at this position in this point in the game you send Jaylen right and make him make that pass to with his left hand going you acoss body yeah instead of let him go to his left where he can make that pass clean yo sa how often do you watch and you be like why why y’all guarding him like that when you see especially when we see people getting off for 50 60 70 points even I do it all the time because I I like me and man we both took pride in playing defense and one thing I can say about being this with San Antonio at the beginning of my career they that trained me to study players to read scouting reports to take away the things that they like to do best and watch tape and I did that my whole career as someone who had to write scouting reports I’m glad you said that because half the time I was like nobody’s reading this [ __ ] I read it I read it no definitely read it and Sh we reading the film look all right now do something with that’s that’s where you got to give it one dribble Max see he can do that one dribble Max one dribble Max that’s what what he need anything over one drib is nasty you can’t foul here right they have to foul what happed oh turn that’s a turnover turn that’s a turnover that a turn that’s a turnover is that a turn that’s a turnover is that a turn that’s a turnover is that a turn that’s a turnover it’s not a foul they got to challenge it come on thibs cuz they didn’t call what what it what’s thibs talking about just yelling I mean what his leg it went off his leg Yeah I think that’s off leg it was no foul though but so let me ask you guys this question cuz there’s a 3 second difference on the shot clock a 3 second difference uh you don’t foul here foul immediately no no you have to foul instant foul are they fou immediately oh they they’re down one no I think you go for a trap first maybe one or two traps they’ll tell them and then foul out of that got to get it over back court yeah back court trap soon as you get over with stupid foul that’s your not good Danner what do you mean not good you’re up by one Indiana’s played a perfect game they haven’t turned the ball over they’ve got whatever it is 50 to3 on bench scoring uh and you’re winning anyway for now uh and you’ve got the ball like what’s not good we think we have the ball no you Dan you don’t understand the psychology of a Nick fan man I’m a reformed I like I I was on it and then I got I got cleared they cured me right by working there that’s how I learned I was like oh you can’t root for this [ __ ] but you’re winning the game you have the ball you’re winning and you have condition to think the worst the worst is going to happen Dan that’s how this [ __ ] Works you’re winning and Dan they were winning against Indiana when Reggie Miller scored 900 points in the last two seconds of a game they were winning that game too [Laughter] Amino appreciate that one damn that was off off record though did you hear it I did not one of the one of my homeboy said looks like Clyde freder still [ __ ] with Farooq over at Fox Hills Mall suits look at him it’s not even called Fox Hill small no more everybody just get them packs of t-shirts from pero B all colors be next you need something Buddy oh man that’s funny so who don’t know y there’s an NBA that was so glorious that’s not does not exist anymore man such a good time them them them days was the days Man spinners and jewelry and oh oh jeez didn’t have to pay for it got a foul right trap trap him oh whaton what Dan I done told you Dan only want to do something like that that’s exactly why he didn’t want to jinx it come on Zach how you going how you going how you going to see that Zach you don’t see that his foot wasn’t down oh no no he was already out of bound oh it hit him it hit him hit him back like it hit it hits right there yeah yeah but he’s got feet down he’s out of bounds he was still in the he was in the that’s off good call good call who you who’s your goto guy though see you can’t be the star and come out the game on defense I hate that type [ __ ] gotta go H you got to keep it you got to keep it oh illegal come on come on yo come on that was Halbert tayl said you have to call it there that was Hal happen to Connecticut girls that was a foul Hal bur’s got to wait till he gets there that hey Matt say hold on Matt hold on hold on hold on hold on Matt say that again because a lot of people don’t know this you got to wait for your screen make sure the screen is set that’s on cuz you know what I mean that’s on the guard a lot of people hton it’s on the guard because the guard goes too early the big gets a call but especially especially in a flopping League too you know what I mean like you got to make sure your guy is all the way set and that’s on the guard right which further proof that hlee ain’t the number one right now dog you can’t be making any type of mistakes in this situation bro the ref cam is too close can they back up the camera the cam is too close and the mic is too far cuz we can never hear what they’re saying that t too close to guys that’s not a call that’s not a call to make there come on that’s a right call no that’s a play on man come on Dan you know what they call that gamesmanship right there we hey we teach that [ __ ] I don’t know about that one come on you can’t call that we is in who who n you don’t call it at the end of the game y’ y’all been controlling the last minute and a half of the game with the whistle come on man let them play that’s slow motion the GI Joe too what’s his name the Little Dude Looks Like a GI Joe number 399 who Z Zack Zara no the referee looks like a GI Joe you’ll see him not Zach not the not the one that looks like a frog the other one David Guri he don’t got the guts to call nothing yeah Oho no definitely not Ed you’ll see what’s my man with the bad fade right there what’s his name yeah his yeah that’s that b that’s that Vietnam fade you got a fade with some scissors come on man what kind of game Nick’s got so lucky there that’s a bad call Dan we should drink every time we do the show man it’s so much better we haven’t mentioned how comedy has changed one time what are you doing here what are you doing oh come on man come on man let these dud wait a minute is that on the inbound so they getting a free throw like they get the ball the ball the ball yet hold on a oh come on man you a no shot the ball this crazy dog this is crazy do this is crazy what’s so crazy here you go New York just handing it to him Welcome to New York City that’s bad no one wants to see Indiana in the Eastern finals huh there you go right that’s boring as hell I like Juju I said the biggest nightmare the league has is Cavs Pacers Conference Finals oh my God I’m going to Cancun if that happened I can’t believe the referee’s control the last minute and a half of the game with the whistle man that’s crazy that should be two shots in the ball in the ball yep a flagrant they should call a flagrant there for for giving Josh Hart an elbow uh look at that yes they should kick all the pay they should eject seven Pacers and suspend them for the next game while they’re at it Jack knows a little bit about that yeah well can’t deny that one 12 12 from the line fourth consecutive 40 points dog this guy this guy’s amazing yeah best player in the East right now easily better than Tatum wow can’t even better than brown can’t even argue that better than Donovan Mitchell TJ McConnell oh the jury’s out D chenzo hardstein top three Nick I uh I want you guys here uh when whenever you come back into the studio here I want they’re never coming back I want you to on our little toddler hoop I want you to uh do a recreation for us of the uh of the bad call on the pick on my on oh what is that remember that not a number one that’s what that is that’s not a number one what was that that’s game time Wasing what was he doing that’s game time Taylor done kicked my chair about seven times in the last two seconds Taylor said the rest did a good job today the Nick stole one at home me we stole that one Jaylen Brunson has completely changed my life changed your life I love him the refs are up one nothing in the series oh you knock it off come on hey we got our A1 tomorrow morning you can’t even argue it it don’t even matter what happens in nuggets wolves tomorrow morning we’re starting with ref one hold up hold up on [Music] that Taylor’s happiness is brought to you by 1 800 Flowers save up to 40% on Mother’s Day bestsellers at danan if you do not buy flowers for your mother I will release a thousand frogs in your house when he said release I got really scared I didn’t know where that was hey salute to Jenny in the building what’s up Jenny Jimmy Butler n our boss Jenny oh Jenny my fault is that a fine I misheard him Jack Nichols boy sard fibs another drunk a dunk tank we put drunk them in in the dunk tank and they dunked his ass in Milwaukee damn so yic jump sto that the Panthers are losing uh Chris Cody or yeah I Hate Everything are you me and Billy told you don’t worry about it until it gets to the Stanley Cup Final then you can start worrying about it this right don’t worry about it that was big then I can still get there by the end of the third if I leave right now why would you want to I can’t get there it takes like two hours to get there from here Lucy what’s going up what’s going on at the Met Galla oh it’s been over for a while I’ve just been sitting I didn’t know the right time to leave you know I have to be here tomorrow D I have to be up in like 7 hours are you coming to work tomorrow we’re going to get the present you we’re going to get the Delight of your company tomorrow yeah I guess so I don’t know what I’m have to say I’m already tired I’m not going to have enough sleep tomorrow can’t get my 12 hours it’s going to be all of us 12 hours I can sleep 12 hours are you a baby what yeah I love to sleep dude it’s my favorite hobby uh gentlemen uh we appreciate you being Lucy welcome with us uh thank you uh thank you I was talking to Jack I was talking to Matt Barnes and on his way back to you in the other room oh we’re getting a shot of his ass there there there all right we don’t know who ass that is n ass production guys ass wasn’t Matt’s ass production gu ass I do think it’d be funny if we recreated on this set behind me the illegal pick oh wait dan you’d like a recreation of a basketball play like something that maybe a couple people over here try to do and you kick to the but on our knees because it’s a toddler because because it’s a toddler never mind you got it it’s a toddler’s hoop uh D you got to make it freaky bro because it’s a toddler’s hoop it’s we couldn’t get a realized hoop here it’s a that’s why and and so yes that is that is why so I think I think you guys should show us the correct way to to to to set a pick while everybody is on their knees whoa that’s crazy man man he wants you on your knees I don’t know what’s happening here I’m going I’m going to go ahead I’m going to set this one out if you guys don’t mind I want to go home all right we’re all going home good night everybody that was good for

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  1. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (7)

    @TaylorVippolis10 2 weeks ago

    WFAT! loved the callers.

  2. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (8)

    @mikeweh2989 2 weeks ago


  3. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (9)

    @MikeBryanThe2nd 2 weeks ago

    Does Scott Skiles look like the underboss in a straight to DVD 90’s mafia movie?

  4. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (10)

    @charlest345 2 weeks ago

    Dan is such a dork every time he talks about weed.

  5. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (11)

    @elv0571 2 weeks ago

    That video was from the Carbone event either Friday or Saturday on South Beach for F1 Weekend. That’s the backstage area.

  6. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (12)

    @CatalystWrestling 2 weeks ago

    Exactly what sports second screen experiences should be

  7. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (14)

    @nicklopez248 2 weeks ago

    How many times is Amin gonna tell a story that starts "Hey (stack or matt) remember when you and i…."

  8. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (15)

    @GoodGuySteveB 2 weeks ago

    No wet sheets Dan 😂

  9. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (16)

    @corbenwatts9375 2 weeks ago

    They should fire lucy. She's that person everyone is trying to compensate for because she can't do her job.

  10. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (17)

    @Eric-lp5ty 2 weeks ago

    We need WFAT shirts asap

  11. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (18)

    @G13X13 2 weeks ago

    Show was great. Need more during the playoffs!
    That was fun!

  12. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (19)

    @demonhogo 2 weeks ago

    I would follow Stugotz straight to hell 🖤

  13. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (20)

    @CloudfleetcreationBlogspot 2 weeks ago

    I loved this! Please do more of them I missed the live stream 🙁 & use 1 800 flowers or Dan will sh*t under your pillows 🤍😇

  14. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (21)

    @jasonshaw8799 2 weeks ago

    Put this behind a pay wall and we will follow Stu 80/30 my way? I never been so happy to lose 500 bucks ultimate Knicks fan win they win the game and lose the spread by .5. BTW today show is going to be interesting Dan please don't cry. too soon? Love this show

  15. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (22)

    @jasonshaw8799 2 weeks ago

    Dan you gave Stu back the ten just remember you made the monster that we all route for now. lol

  16. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (23)

    @JustMeELC 2 weeks ago

    Wish I could thumbs up more than once! You guys are the best!
    LOVE wfat lolol

  17. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (24)

    @zoinforms 2 weeks ago

    This was epic, more!

  18. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (25)

    @livensleazy 2 weeks ago

    Matt Barnes should use 1800Flowers to apologize to the student announcer he verbally assaulted

  19. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (26)

    @erniemckracken5348 2 weeks ago

    I love seeing Juju's smiling face when the daily lineup is revealed. Sir, you are an inspiration with your positivity and spot-on sense of humor. It's going to be a good show.

  20. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (27)

    @Safety1stAndLast 2 weeks ago

    Yo Denver do have some gas. I went to a mom's and pops dispensary and got some sht that had me glued to the couch. And I'm s smoker. Denver got some POWER

  21. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (28)

    @DaHomieRoach 2 weeks ago

    I had no idea this was happening last night😂 did I miss an announcement on yesterday's DLS? Feel like there should've been if there wasn't

  22. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (29)

    @romeyrome32 2 weeks ago

    This was a such a great show. I love the whole concept. The environment was perfect. I hope this happens again.

  23. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (30)

    @chetubetcha3615 2 weeks ago

    I want to know what the clip Dan that was Maxey was about…

  24. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (31)

    @mamba5334 2 weeks ago

    Damn that was fun, great show everyone!

  25. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (32)

    @coryyaklin9549 2 weeks ago

    Yall gotta do this again

  26. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (33)

    @christianco*ck8104 2 weeks ago

    This was so good

  27. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (34)

    @DaHomieRoach 2 weeks ago

    The Oscars watch a long was the best supplemental content yall have done… until this. 10/10

  28. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (35)

    @andrzejsasiuk1732 2 weeks ago

    2:23:10 hahahahaha

  29. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (36)

    @jaiden84 2 weeks ago

    Mannnn this was the best. We need more w/Stack and MB.

  30. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (37)

    @DjMarkGallo 2 weeks ago

    👏 This was awesome! Please do more watchalongs!

  31. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (38)

    @jaiden84 2 weeks ago

    Yo who all thought Taylor was a hologram lol

  32. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (39)

    @kevinhopper3574 2 weeks ago

    Couldn't get to this until work today. What a great 3 hours! Well done Crew

  33. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (40)

    @dliu702 2 weeks ago

    where’s Irish

  34. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (41)

    @sr00145 2 weeks ago

    38:30 for the top 5 names that connote Mary Jane

  35. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (42)

    @markfoust6507 2 weeks ago

    This combo is amazing!!! All the Smoke and DLS. I think Matt and Jack are the perfect vibe for NBA coverage!!

  36. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (43)

    @markfoust6507 2 weeks ago

    Dan knew something didn’t he?

  37. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (44)

    @markfoust6507 2 weeks ago

    The A YO boys

  38. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (45)

    @markfoust6507 2 weeks ago

    Amin. Great thoughtful questions!!!

  39. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (46)

    @andresmiranda3197 2 weeks ago

    Thanks guys!! This was hilarious and I didn't even watch the game. 😂

  40. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (47)

    @alphathahitman3073 2 weeks ago

    1:10:45 no diddy

  41. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (48)

    @TheRoyaltyofTomorrow 2 weeks ago

    This was great.

  42. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (49)

    @budsmokinpandaz 2 weeks ago

    Dan trying to turn this into a south beach session is crazy. Wheres mike 🤣 chris produce! Lmfao. No one should be talking that softly during a knicks game 🤣

  43. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (50)

    @JoseRodriguez-rn3mu 2 weeks ago

    Please do this again

  44. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (51)

    @relly66112 2 weeks ago

    Taylor is LOCKED IN

  45. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (52)

    @Datyung 2 weeks ago

    WFAT is beyond classic…Thank you Dan…

  46. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (53)

    @beg4mercy 2 weeks ago

    amin mightve won the night with the geno comment 😂

  47. WFAT LIVE: NBA Playoff Watch along with All the Smoke | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (54)

    @joepoker95 1 week ago

    There's gotta be a count meter for "Aye-Yo!" 's said for the next livestream or WFAT show 💯

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.