Web Development Courses NYC or Online: Front-End & Full-Stack Classes (2024)

Which Web Development Course is Right for You?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, web development is one of the most in-demand career skills in the country,with an anticipated job growth of 30% year over year for the next decade. This is about 500% faster than the average of all occupations. Learning web development skills will open up the door to a range of high-paying, in-demand jobs, and it will let professionals combine a love of technology with creative impulses to build web applications that shape the way we interact with the internet and with one another. According to a Pew Research study,79% of American adults use the internet several times a day and 38% of adults describe themselves as “constantly online.” This level of engagement means that web development work is increasingly central to how we live and interact with the world around us.

However, before enrolling in a web development course, you’ll want to consider what kind of projects you hope to work on with your new skills. Broadly speaking, web development projects are divided into front end projects (involving the client-facing interactive elements of a webpage) and back end projects (involving server and database infrastructure that is invisible to the client). Full Stack Developers handle both sides of the development process. We offer a variety of individual courses and certificate programs in front end, back end, and full stack development. Which course or certificate program is right for you?

Front End Web Development

When a user visits a website, they are accessing its front end. In other words, the front end of a website is the part that users interact with in a web browser. Front End Developers know how to code using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This is why ourFront End Web Development Certificate program includes courses in web development (which cover HTML and CSS), a class focusing on CSS Flexbox and Grid for page layout, a course in JavaScript and jQuery, and other courses such as Git for tracking code changes and collaborating with other developers. Below are explanations of common web development topics:


HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is often the first language that developers learn. It allows them to add content such as text, images, forms, and more to a webpage. HTML creates the content and structure/outline of the page. Developers supplement HTML with CSS to refine the appearance of the content and the overall layout. Together, HTML and CSS make up the majority of the user interface.


CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is learned alongside HTML because the two work seamlessly together. With CSS, we can make global changes to a website’s look. We can style color, font, border, position, shape, and even create simple animations. We can change individual elements (such as a single line of text), multiple elements (such as all headers at the same time), or we can pick and choose which things to manipulate by assigning classes and IDs to things that we create in HTML.


We use JavaScript on the front end to change how certain parts of the page function. It allows us to take animated elements in a webpage or give them added functionality. JavaScript can validate form information, add or remove items from a to-do list, or perform mathematical functions (such as in an e-commerce store or on a food delivery app). We can even use JavaScript to grab data from external sources and seamlessly integrate it into our website’s front end.

In other words, you use HTML to create a button, CSS to determine how the button looks, and JavaScript to determine how it will function. Taken together, these programming languages make up the backbone of modern web development, and anyone hoping to work in the field will want to be familiar with them.

JavaScript is one of the most versatile languages in web development. Because of its popularity and broad scope of capabilities, there are numerous libraries and frameworks that make programming JavaScript faster and easier:

  • jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that lets you do more with less code. Using popular jQuery plugins, you can add tons of functionality to a page by writing minimal code because someone else has already written the code for you.
  • JavaScript frameworks are a bit different. They affect the page on a more global level. Popular frameworks include Angular and React.


Bootstrap is the most popular front end library, which exists to make your life as a developer a bit easier. You can decide which parts you want to use, from its grid (which makes laying out a page faster) to its many pre-made components (navigation bars, slideshows, buttons, popups, and more).

Bootstrap allows you to create/use themes for controlling how the pre-made elements look. This way you can quickly start off with the default appearance and then customize it later if you want.

Git & GitHub

Git for web applications is like Google Drive for essays. As you change a document or a file, the changes are tracked, the previous versions are stored, and you can collaborate with others by giving them access to your repository. This makes learning how to use Git a useful skill for developers working on their own projects and a vital part of the collaborative development process.

While Git facilitates collaboration and keeping a history of your code changes, it is indispensable for professional use, too. Your GitHub profile is one of the first things that recruiters and employers will look at when trying to learn more about you as a developer. They can see how and with whom you work, how you organize your files, whether you include clear and relevant comments in your code, how often you program, and so on. They can even look at live versions of your applications.

Many new developers are intimidated by Git because it involves using the Terminal or the command line. However, most people find that using Git is the best introduction to the Terminal! Once you understand the workflow, you usually only need to use a few commands so you can be up and running quickly.

Git is covered in all of ourweb development certificate programs.


SASS adds features not natively found in CSS. For example, you can nest rules and media queries inside other rules to make managing large codebases easier. You can also define variables (like those found in JavaScript), which make it easier to set up and change global elements such as font families, colors, sizes, and more. While CSS has added variables, browser support may not be good enough for you... so can safely use SASS variables.

Which Front End Class or Certificate is Right for You?

Committed web developers can attend our New York State-approved certificates at a discount, while beginners can get started with our introductory courses. We also offer a variety of courses for aspiring designers that do not involve or require any coding.

With extensive course offerings (from 1-day courses to entire certificate programs) and flexible scheduling, we are confident that you will find a course that is the right fit for you.

Front End Certificate Programs

OurFront-End Web Development Certificate offers comprehensive training that hones in on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related libraries, frameworks, and technologies. The emphasis of this certificate is web development and coding.

OurWeb Design Certificate expands on the front end by adding classes in Figma to layout webpages and optimize graphics and HTML Email to apply HTML & CSS concepts for creating beautiful marketing emails.

Both of these programs are offered at a discounted rate (as opposed to taking the courses individually) and participants who complete the programs earn a certificate approved by New York State.

We offer full-time options on weekdays, as well as part-time programs on weeknights or Saturdays. All our certificate programs allow attendees to retake any course in the program for free within six months. Step-by-step workbooks are included for use during and after the classes.

Front End Classes

If you want to try coding with an introductory course, start with our Intro to Web Development class. You’ll learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS so that you can create visually appealing multi-page websites from scratch. No prior coding experience is required.

Those who already have some experience with HTML and CSS can take in-depth courses inJavaScript for Front End or. These courses are ideal for students with a background in programming and a desire to expand on their skills.

You can start with our shorter courses and bootcamps and earn a certificate over time.

Web Design Classes for Designers

If you are strictly interested in designing website interfaces (but not programming them), you should attend our web and visual design classes. We offer bothintroductory and advanced courses in Figma, where you will learn to design and lay out webpages. We also offer a range of UX design courses for aspiring user experience designers.

Back End Web Development

Imagine that you’ve created a simple, static website using HTML, CSS, and some basic JavaScript. Your page is available for the world to see. They can see what services you offer, read your biography, and explore your photos and videos.

Now, if only they could register as a user, make a profile, like and comment on blog posts, and make contributions of their own. Without this type of functionality, your website is not dynamic; it simply exists for users to view. In other words, they can look, but they can’t touch.

Their interactions with your app or website will not be saved unless we find a way to store the user’s information in a database. Otherwise, every time you reload the page, you are back to square one. This is where back end development comes in. The back end is invisible to the user. We know it’s there, and we know it’s working, but we can’t see it happening.

Back End Developers typically know the front end languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), but in order to store or recall data from databases, they must become proficient in one or more back end languages, such as Python, Ruby, or PHP.

JavaScript and the MERN Stack

One of the other major advantages of learning JavaScript is that its large development community has built enough libraries to allow JavaScript professionals to build back end infrastructure using the language. Colloquially known as the MERN stack, comprised of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, is commonly utilized to build server and database infrastructures for web applications and internet-enabled software programs. Learning how the MERN stack is also very important for anyone hoping to develop Internet of Things applications for smart devices.

MongoDB is a database library that lets users build databases and construct applications that can query those databases using JavaScript code. React is a library of JavaScript components maintained by Meta and it is primarily used for coding user interface elements using JavaScript. Node.js and Express.js are a pair of frameworks that allow JavaScript applications to access run-time environments and servers, allowing for increased functionalities. Taken together, these frameworks and libraries allow skilled developers to create full stack applications using only JavaScript, which makes programs and programmers work more efficiently.

Learning these libraries is a great way to start building full, working software and web applications. In particular, these libraries allow internet-connected devices to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser and interact with one another, making them vital to technologies such as digital assistants, home security systems, and smart devices like watches and onboard car computers. Students interested in learning about the MERN stack and its uses for web development can enroll in Noble Desktop’s JavaScript Development Certificate program.

Python & Django

Python is, according to the TIOBE Index,the most popular programming language in the world, a title it has held for several years. In part, this is because Python is one of the easier languages for beginning developers to learn. It is the most commonly taught programming language in high school and university-level computer science courses—and for a good reason. It has a simple syntax and is relatively easy to learn and use.

But Python is not just for beginners; some of the most complex applications have been written in Python. Think about Google, Instagram, Reddit, and YouTube. It is a powerful and versatile programming language that can be used for almost anything: back end programming, data science, automation, and other specialized computing.

Another benefit of learning Python is that it is one of the most popular languages. This means that there is ample documentation for beginners and experts alike, as well as a large community of Python developers who are ready and willing to help when you encounter a tricky line of code.

Django is a high-level framework for Python that gives you the things needed to build web applications. We cover Django in many of ourPython development courses.

Our Python courses are just as versatile as the language itself. Our Python Developer Certificate explores Django and Django REST in-depth to build dynamic websites. We also offer other Python courses, includingPython for Data Science Bootcamp.

Ruby & Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a general-purpose programming language that facilitates object-oriented programming. It is a back end language that is often used alongside Rails. Ruby on Rails is a web development framework that is both implemented in Ruby and dependent on Ruby. The popularity of Rails ultimately led to the rise of Ruby as a back end programming language.

Ruby is considered a general-purpose scripting language because it can accomplish almost anything. Its syntax is relatively simple and predictable, with no semicolons and fewer required brackets than JavaScript. Many programming tasks can be accomplished in fewer lines of code than you might imagine.

However, unlike JavaScript, it is unforgiving of errors. For this reason, the intensive study of Ruby is a recommended prerequisite for serious work in Ruby application development. Rails makes working with Ruby much more intuitive; it simplifies repetitive tasks and helps you build complex web applications without complex code.


PHP is the web’s most popular server-side scripting language. Some of the biggest and most popular websites, such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Baidu, and Tumblr run on PHP. It is fast, free, stable, and full of advanced features.

PHP can help bring your website to life, changing it from a static HTML-only experience to a two-way interactive user experience. PHP is the backbone of many web-related activities that we take for granted, such as handling form submissions, powering e-commerce transactions, and interacting with a database.

PHP is almost always paired with MySQL, an open-source database that is unrivaled in popularity.This is why our course covers PHP and MySQL together.

Many of the most popular content management systems, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla, are written in PHP. Understanding this language will make it easier for you to understand how these CMSs work and will help you customize them so that they can better fit your needs.


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to create websites without having to code them. WordPress is the most popular CMS; around 33% of all websites are powered by WordPress. Its ease of use and user-friendly interface make it popular among non-programmers, as they can create visually appealing websites full of text, images, and embedded media. WordPress runs on PHP, a back end language that is used in a variety of applications.

One of the biggest benefits of using WordPress is that you can create and customize a website for a client but then pass it off to the client so that they can update the content on their own.

While you can create a functional website on WordPress using the built-in features and the expansive library of plug-ins, there are limits to how much you can customize unless you input your own code. In our WordPress course, we’ll take you through the process of installing WordPress, modifying existing themes, and creating your own custom themes. You don’t need to know PHP to take this course, but you should be comfortable with HTML and CSS.

Front End + Back End = Full Stack Development

Full Stack Developers are proficient at programming the front end and the back end. Sometimes, full stack developers are generalists, but other times, they are former front end experts who decided to learn back end development in order to produce their own applications from start to finish. A few developers start with back end development, but the majority are at least familiar with front end languages before they dive into the back end.

Some companies might seek out full stack developers because of their versatility. One person can accomplish multiple tasks, manage several projects at once, and take control over the projects from beginning to end.

On the other hand, some companies sometimes prefer to have a front end developer who is an expert and a back end developer who is an expert. This way, each developer can hone in and focus on just one portion of the website or application. Some people are hired just do work in a single language on a single part of an application! For example, a company might hire a Ruby Developer and leave the rest of the development to other members of the team.

Interested in full stack web development? OurFull-Stack Web Development Certificate program encompasses both front end and back end development.

Should I Learn Front End, Back End, or Full Stack development?

All web developers need to know at least some HTML and CSS, so you should start learning front end. Those are easier to learn than back end, so it’s a good place to start. If you like to focus on the appearance and interactivity of a webpage, the front end is what you should focus on.

After learning front end, you can learn back end technologies depending on your needs. If you like creating website functionality, programming how things work, and the logic behind the scenes, then the back end is what you should focus on, and in particular Ruby on Rails. If you know both front and back end, that makes you a Full Stack Developer.

Front End

Front End Developers spend the majority of their time working on the portion of an application that a user sees and interacts with. This is a great option for those who have a keen eye for detail and who enjoy watching their creations unfold before their eyes.

Some Front End Developers participate in an application’s design, but others are given a wireframe (like a blueprint, but often very precise) to follow. It takes the guesswork out of programming and makes the end goal very clear.

Back End

Back End Developers spend the majority of their time working on the server-side of an application. Their work, when done right, is invisible. They work behind the scenes to create functionality for the user, who is interacting with the front end. Back End Developers are usually familiar with front end languages, but they hone in on languages like Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

If you enjoy working with databases and security and don’t want to focus on the visual appearance/layout of the page, back end development might be a great fit for you.

Full Stack

Full Stack Developers do it all. They can code an entire application from start to finish: using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the webpage layout and using something like the JavaScript frameworks Node.js and Express.js for server-side programming. Our full stack Web Development Certificate will bring you up to speed on front end and back end technologies so that you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.

Careers in Web Development

Web Development is one of the fastest-growing professions in the world and it is only expected to continue growing as more and more of the global population gain access to high-speed internet connections. Anyone looking for a job in the field can find work as Web Developers, who handles the day-to-day work of programming and managing web applications or they can find work in more specialized fields. In the US, a Web Developer can expect to start at about $75,000 a year.

Front End Developers and Back End Developers specialize in working on client-facing elements of web applications and server infrastructure elements, respectively. These specialized developers will tend to work on more elaborate projects and will be expected to have greater proficiency with programming languages and their major libraries. They are also more likely to work for large companies and in-house development teams as opposed to working as freelancers or as studio employees. In the US, they can expect to earn an average salary of $100,000 annually for Front End Developers and $140,000 for Back End Developers. Full Stack Developers, who have skills with both sides of the development process, will earn around $125,000 a year.

Web Developers may also end up specializing in specific programming languages. Owing to the versatility of the MERN stack and the rise in IoT development, JavaScript Developers are in high demand. These progressions will use libraries like MongoDB, React, Express.js, and Node.js to construct all of the infrastructure necessary to run a web application. In the US, they make an average salary of about $110,000 a year.

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Web Development Courses NYC or Online: Front-End & Full-Stack Classes (1)

Web Development Courses NYC or Online: Front-End & Full-Stack Classes (2)

Web Development Courses NYC or Online: Front-End & Full-Stack Classes (3)

Web Development Courses NYC or Online: Front-End & Full-Stack Classes (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

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